Driving Test Archives | MyImprov Defensive Driving Wed, 13 Dec 2023 04:48:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 https://www.myimprov.com/wp-content/uploads/logo-cts-smile.png Driving Test Archives | MyImprov 32 32 210546214 The Top 10 Most Common Mistakes to Avoid on a Drivers Test https://www.myimprov.com/the-top-10-most-common-mistakes-to-avoid-on-a-drivers-test/ https://www.myimprov.com/the-top-10-most-common-mistakes-to-avoid-on-a-drivers-test/#respond Thu, 18 Jun 2020 22:58:03 +0000 https://www.myimprov.com/?p=51216 You finished your driver’s ed course and have practiced driving behind the wheel for months. When you are driving with friends and family, you…

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mistakes avoid drivers test

You finished your driver’s ed course and have practiced driving behind the wheel for months. When you are driving with friends and family, you are the ultimate professional. Now there is only one thing standing between you and that glorious, coming-of-age memento also known as the driver’s license: the driving test. However, just thinking about being judged for your driving skills makes you nervous. What if your nerves get the best of you? Could you possibly fail and need a do-over?

We cannot let that happen. That is why we are going to tell you the 10 most common mistakes to avoid on a driver’s test. As long as you know these are the “moves” to “steer clear of,” you will be holding that sliver of gold in no time!

10. Reverse Park Control

While some states have removed parallel parking from their driving tests, others have not. Double check with your state’s policies to see if this maneuver will be tested during your behind-the-wheel test. If it is, do not worry that much. The driving instructor will not ask you to park your car in a really tight spot. However, they may cast a mark against you for complete misjudgment or if you demonstrate a complete loss of control while attempting this less-than-fun parking skill.

9. Positioning

Make sure you are aware of the lane markings around the school or DMV where you will be taking your drivers test. A common mistake for new drivers is taking up more than one lane while driving. Make sure you stay in your lane at all times. Except, of course, during the times the instructor asks you to change lanes or make a turn.

8. Response to Traffic Lights and Signs

Believe it or not, some people actually respond too slowly to green traffic lights. When the light turns green take a moment to make sure it is safe to drive, but do not wait there uncomfortably. Same goes with stopping at a stop sign. Make a complete stop, check for safety, then mildly step on the accelerator. Make sure you know when it is your turn to go during a 4-way stop. Remember if you and another car come to an intersection at the same time, the car to the right has the right of way and gets to go first.

7. Right turns

Make sure you position your car correctly for right turns. Your car should not cut the corner and should be positioned behind the white line. Look for cyclists, motorcycles, and pedestrians and yield to their right of way. Even if they are waving you to go first, it is always best to let them go before you.

6. Steering

Maintain normal, steady steering at all times. Instructors are looking for a smooth ride throughout your test. Do not drive one handed. Keep both hands on the wheel at all times and make hand-over-hand turns. Make sure you are driving along the contour of driveways, curbs, entrances and exits. You will lose points for lack of steering control. Hitting the curb would fall under this category as well.

5. Check Mirrors

Check both rear-view and side mirrors when making a lane change or turn. It is always good to check them while at a stop sign or signal as well. Major points are deducted when you do not follow this rule.

4. Observation

Similar to the action of checking your mirrors, looking both ways before you cross an intersection is a must. Make sure it is absolutely safe before you proceed.

3. Driving too slow or fast

Make sure you are driving the speed limit. Driving too slowly does not mean you are driving more safely. It will count against you just as much as driving too fast will. It is wise to check the speed limit signs around the neighborhood that you will be taking your driving test in.

2. Improper Lane Changing

One of the most common mistakes students make during their driving test is forgetting to use their turn signals. When your driving instructor instructs you to change lanes, that is your cue to turn on your turn signal. Then check your mirrors – all of them. Then make the lane change.

1. Rolling Stops

The number one common mistake (in most states) students make during their driving test: not making complete stops at stop signs. Perhaps you learned this unacceptable boo-boo from a parent or relative. Many drivers love to come to a rolling stop at stop signs, and even receive a good amount of traffic tickets for doing so. Many students will slow down, but you need to make a complete full stop. Make sure your car is behind the demarcation line as well.

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Top 6 Things to Do When You’re Bored Teens https://www.myimprov.com/top-6-things-to-do-when-youre-bored-teens/ https://www.myimprov.com/top-6-things-to-do-when-youre-bored-teens/#respond Wed, 01 Apr 2020 18:14:14 +0000 https://www.myimprov.com/?p=50888 There are so many things you can do while stuck at home, but how many of them count as being productive? Giving yourself a manicure, catching up on your latest…

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what to do when your bored
There are so many things you can do while stuck at home, but how many of them count as being productive? Giving yourself a manicure, catching up on your latest Netflix binge, and kicking butt in Minecraft do not count. Here are a few fun things to do when bored at home that are also educational!

1. Write a Short Story

You may be amazed at how fun it is to write a story when you get to choose the genre and cast of characters. You no longer have to wait for your English teacher to assign you the task of writing a modern sci-fi adventure starring yourself as the lead protagonist. You can write it now! You may be surprised how the outline and structure you’ve learned during class comes to life. The struggle of finding your introduction, conflict, and resolution may come naturally. This activity will come in handy when you’re thinking about what to do when you’re bored at home alone.

2. Take an Online Driver’s Ed Course

You can learn to drive while you are bored at home! In some states, you do not have to sit in a classroom to get credit for taking a driver’s ed course. For California, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, and Nevada, you can take driver’s ed online! You can log off and on as often as you like and complete the course at your own pace. For FL, IN, and KY, where the state time requirement is only 4 hours, you can even finish the course in one sitting if you like! You’ll be one step closer to having your driver’s license in a matter of days or hours!

3. Play Scrabble

This game has been around since 1933 and is still a favorite board game among teens and families! For almost a century the game has created competition of the wits across the globe. Try tallying how many words you and your competitor challenged each other to look up per game and see how many words you learned each day! Was it more than you did in English class? For those of you who are competitor-less, try playing against yourself! Give “Player 2” an evil name like “Corona,” or that of your ex. No cheating necessary.

4. Bake Something from Scratch

Cooking is one of the most educational yet fun things to do when bored! Going to school, studying, and football practice may have stopped you in the past from developing your culinary skills. Now you can unleash them! Once you learn the basics, you’ll be surprised what you can do. Oh, and you may have heard that the best way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, but did you know the same rings true for women? Girls of all ages find it endearing when their date cooks for them. Learning a new recipe is one of the best things to do when bored for guys and girls! It is the perfect time to learn how to measure, baste, blanch, and create a dish you’ll love to share with friends and family… and a few that you’ll save for that special someone.

5. Learn a New Language

Learning a new language has been on the list of top teen activities for years. For those who are already studying a different language in school, you can step away from the conjugation overload and focus on knowing where to place the accent and roll the “R.” You can also enjoy getting ahead of the lesson plan so when you go back to school, you’ll sound like a native speaker. For those who did not pick a language as an elective, you can start off casually by learning how to say a few words and your favorite phrases in a different language. There are also many online tools and apps that can assist you as well, such as Duolingo or Spanishdict.

6. Take a FREE DMV Practice Test

If driving a car down a long, windy road towards the beach comes to mind as one of the things to do when bored, but you do not have your driver’s license yet, then taking a free DMV practice test can make it happen! You’ll have unlimited access to quiz yourself until you know the DMV Driver’s handbook like the back of your hand. You’ll probably discover that most of the rules of the road are common sense, but you’ll definitely learn some new defensive driving skills and techniques that will keep you safe and become a better driver.
See how distracted driving affects your driving with this driving simulation video game.


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Disabled Drivers: Understanding Handicap Driving https://www.myimprov.com/disabled-drivers-understanding-handicap-driving/ https://www.myimprov.com/disabled-drivers-understanding-handicap-driving/#respond Mon, 19 Nov 2018 19:58:11 +0000 https://www.myimprov.com/?p=45336 With some special adjustments and teaching it is possible for those with disabilities to navigate the roads just like able-bodied drivers. Living with a physical disability does not have to…

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With some special adjustments and teaching it is possible for those with disabilities to navigate the roads just like able-bodied drivers. Living with a physical disability does not have to mean you are grounded. The ADA, American Disabilities Act) amended the law in 2008 so that the DMV could not deny someone a license based only on their disability. If you want more answers to your burning questions to continue to read. If you go on to enjoy this post check out our other article on Epileptic Drivers.  

Can You Drive if You Are in a Wheelchair?

Yes, thanks to many advances in technology, disabled drivers who use wheelchairs are able to drive. Wheelchairs can be customized to match the motor skills of each individual driver for handicap driving. They are tested by the department of motor vehicles in their home state and when appropriate, restrictions will be noted on their driver’s license. Disabled drivers will also need to be trained at a conventional traffic school or online traffic school. 

Can a Paralyzed Person Drive?

While the way in which they learn and tools which are needed might be different, it is still possible for a paralyzed person to drive. Things that are taken into consideration include the severity of paralysis and vehicle the person is operating.

In What States Can a Disabled Person Drive?

State DMV’s are prohibited from denying disabled drivers from securing a driver’s license. Vehicles must be equipped with proper modifications and drivers must still pass a drivers test. Drivers licenses issued in one state are also valid in all other 50 states. You should also check to see if you qualify for a disabled placard in your state. In Florida, you might be eligible for a disabled placard if you suffer from a cardiac condition, can’t walk more than 200ft without resting, as well as other qualifiers. 

How Much Does it Cost to Modify a Car for Handicapped?

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), costs to modify an existing car for handicap driving range from as little as $50 for special mirrors to a few hundred dollars for special hand controls. Specially equipped vehicles with ramps and raised ceilings range from $20,000 – 80,000. You can download a PDF file from the NHTSA website that provides additional information. Some vehicles let disabled drivers actually stay in their wheelchair while driving. Other vehicles allow wheelchairs to fold up for easy storage and transportation. Other possible modifications to existing vehicles include installing wheelchair lifts, raised ceilings and special floor mounts. These modifications tend to be expensive and they must be approved by state DMV’s.

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Top CA Driver’s Test Mistakes https://www.myimprov.com/top-ca-drivers-test-mistakes/ https://www.myimprov.com/top-ca-drivers-test-mistakes/#respond Sat, 11 Aug 2018 00:45:06 +0000 https://www.myimprov.com/?p=44209 The time has come to test your pedal skills. Soon, you will be taking a California driver’s test to challenge the notion of receiving your California Driver’s License. You could…

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ca drivers test traffic school

The time has come to test your pedal skills. Soon, you will be taking a California driver’s test to challenge the notion of receiving your California Driver’s License. You could be a coming-of-age teenager or an anxious adult. No matter your background or history to this point, you have two goals: pass your CA Driver’s Test and avoid going to traffic school.

You may want to be aware of the most common mistakes and flaws students make during their behind-the-wheel test.

Nothing is worse than finally being able to enroll in a CA drivers ed course only to fail the final test. That’s why we’re helping you along your journey to becoming a certified car operator in the state of California. Below, we’ve listed the top CA driver’s test mistakes, so you can practice and make perfection.

Curb Cutting

Striking the sidewalk will count as an automatic failure in most states. Hitting the curb in California is considered a critical driving error and will result in a failing grade/result. When driving, pretend the curb is lava and avoid it all costs – unless that just freaks you out.

Parallel Parking Poorly

You’re not a California resident if you don’t know how to parallel park. Get in the next available vehicle to practice the most putrid parking procedure before your big day. Parallel parking is a required field, and most people do it poorly.

Lane Lines and Merging Maneuvers

Keep a tight eye on the lanes on the road. If you fail to stay within the lines, you should expect to be docked some points. Similarly, merging onto highways, lanes, or other roads will be a critical part of the test. Impress your driving tester by nailing it on your first attempt. Don’t forget to flip on that turn signal.

Sort of Stops (Rolling Stops/California Stops)

Sort of stops, rolling stops, or California stops – whatever you like to call the process of rolling up to a stop signs, not coming to a complete stop, and driving away, is up to you. Never perform one of these stops while being tested. “Sorta” stops aren’t stops. They’re the biggest reason for failure among people who test and are in a rush. Remember to take your time, relax, and go along with the drive. Just because you live in California doesn’t give you the right to do a California stop.

Tester Teasing

Never bully your driving instructor. We get it – you’re the captain of your high school football team (or WERE the captain of your high school football team), but that doesn’t give you the right to bully your geeky driving instructor. We don’t care if his glasses take up 3/4ths of his face he’s holding an old-school clipboard. Jokes aside – having a positive attitude will persuade driving instructors be lenient when grading you. Aggressive, angry drivers perform worse and are graded harsher.

Busting Brakes

Sudden stops are jarring to experience. As a future driver, you must find the perfect balance between the sorta-stop and brake-busting. Rolling up to a stop sign, coming to a complete stop, and not braking harshly is a fine art that all drivers will have to perfect.

Sporadic Speeds

Always drive the speed limit in the area you’re in. Driving too slowly or driving over the speed limit will result in a deduction on your test results. There are speed limit signs for a reason, so use them as a reference to determine how quickly you should travel in a zone. It’s simple, but often overlooked.

Affected Attention

As a general reminder, never text and drive – especially on your driving test, it’s the law. Affected attention shouldn’t be an issue when you’re behind the wheel of a car. Put away the phone and focus up on that concrete road you’re driving on.

Tailgating Tyranny

Tailgating is never smiled upon. Tailgaters will be judged critically by the driving tester and everyone else on the road. Follow the 2-second-rule when keeping distance between you and the car in front of you. California can be compact on the roads, but that doesn’t mean tailing the person in front of you will help.

Four-way Failure

Four-way stops can easily confuse people. Remember, when two cars arrive at a stop sign at the same time, the person to their right has the right of way. If you take that tidbit with you into your test, you’ll leave a great impression on your tester. Well, so long as you don’t give him a swirlie.

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What to Bring to My Florida Driving Test https://www.myimprov.com/what-bring-florida-driving-test/ https://www.myimprov.com/what-bring-florida-driving-test/#respond Wed, 01 Nov 2017 23:43:17 +0000 https://www.myimprov.com/?p=40113 If you are a first-time driver in Florida, you will need to pass both a written and driving exam before the DMV issues you a license. Upon passing a test,…

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If you are a first-time driver in Florida, you will need to pass both a written and driving exam before the DMV issues you a license. Upon passing a test, the State of Florida will deliver your license within two to four weeks of completion. When you arrive for your Florida driving test, you will need to bring some items with you.

Written Exam Requirements

To apply for a Florida driver’s license, you must first take a written exam. Although you must pay fees for license registration and driver exams, the written exams are free of charge. If you fail the exam and need to retake it, then you’ll pay $10 for each retake. Other than that, you simply show up and take the test. If you pass the test, you’ll then schedule a driving test.

Driving Test Requirements

The driving test will give you the opportunity to demonstrate necessary driving skills and follow fundamental traffic laws. You will need to provide a vehicle for the driving test. The DMV also requires you to bring the following documents:

• Valid Registration. You do not have to own the car that you are driving. Whoever owns the vehicle must provide valid updated registration. Current registration means that the car is registered in the same year that you are operating it for the test.

• Insurance Coverage. The owner of the car must provide proof of insurance from an insurance company in Florida. The insurance must be currently active. The vehicle must be covered by the minimum insurance allowed in the state of Florida.

• Vehicle Inspection. Before the facilitator gets in the car, he or she will inspect the car to make sure that it is both roadworthy and legal. Some examples of inspection may include making sure all the lights, and turning signals are operational, the tires are aired up to capacity, and the motor or transmission is properly running. You may also be required to perform an emission test on the vehicle.

• Retake Fee. If you fail to pass the test, then you will need to schedule a retake. The retake fee is $20. It must be paid before the facilitator administers the test. You can reschedule the test on the same day that you failed the initial test.

What Are You Tested On?

The objective of the driving test is to determine your ability to maneuver the vehicle in real life situations. Facilitators will often ask you to perform the road test in busy traffic throughout your home city. They want to know that you can drive in real scenarios around other drivers and pedestrians. Therefore, if you have a learner’s license, you should gradually work your way into operating the vehicle on the road with a licensed driver in the passenger seat.

The more you drive, the more you will improve your skills. You will drastically improve your chances of passing the test. You’ll be tested on specific maneuvers including:

• 3-point turn
• Parking
• Passing a vehicle
• Backing
• Giving right-of-way

Failure to perform one or more of the maneuvers above could cause you to fail your test. Therefore, you will want to prepare yourself for the day of the test.

‎✔ Get a good night’s rest the night before.
‎✔ Eat a healthy breakfast on the morning of the test.

Proper sleep and eating a good breakfast will help you concentrate during the road test. If you have practiced all of the required maneuvers over an extended period in real life situations, then you should pass the test with flying colors!

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Answering commonly asked questions about Florida traffic school https://www.myimprov.com/florida-traffic-school-answers/ https://www.myimprov.com/florida-traffic-school-answers/#respond Thu, 26 Oct 2017 00:32:42 +0000 https://www.myimprov.com/?p=40073 If you are curious about FL traffic school, you are not alone. Traffic school is the solution to your traffic ticket woes. Yet most…

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If you are curious about FL traffic school, you are not alone. Traffic school is the solution to your traffic ticket woes. Yet most people do not know much about traffic school courses as they have no reason to learn about this offering until they receive a ticket. Let’s look at some of the most frequently asked questions to help you get a better understanding of FL traffic school.

Why should I take traffic school online?

FL traffic school, also known as the 4-hour Basic Driver Improvement (BDI) course, provides all sorts of benefits for those who have been ticketed for a traffic violation or simply desire a refresher on the rules of the road and defense driving strategies.

Most students take this course because they received a traffic citation for a basic infraction such as speeding, failure to obey a traffic control device, etc. and are opting to take traffic school to avoid points from appearing on their driving record. Other drivers take the course because they were ordered by the court to do so to avoid points and/or to prevent further action against their license.

Florida drivers as well as out-of-state drivers also take this course if they received a letter from the FLHSMV indicating that they are required to take this course. Normally the FLHSMV will require someone to take the course, also known as TCAC (“Traffic Collision Avoidance Course”) if they were involved in a collision and were also cited for a traffic violation.

A FL driver’s license holder may also receive a letter from the FLDHSMV requiring them to take a course if they were cited in another state, or was cited in Florida for certain violations such as passing a school bus. * Please note that the student’s full SSN is required to be entered on the registration page for the TCAC course.

Why take an online traffic school course with Improv traffic school?

The FL BDI course www.MyImprov.com provides will greatly reduce the odds of an auto accident as well as traffic tickets. They provide serious material created in an entertaining and engaging way. A large part of the benefit of their program is the fact that they provide a free mobile app, exams without a proctor and United States-based customer support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
They also provide the easiest quiz allowed by Florida law.

Do I have to pay for my ticket before or after taking an online traffic school course?

You must pay your ticket first. However, once you complete your traffic school course it is possible that the ticket will be dismissed or reduced in severity.

How much is Improv’s online traffic school course?

Improv’s FL traffic school is surprisingly affordable and a tough price to beat. Other schools offer courses from $19.95- $39.95. Improv’s cost includes all state fees and a free certificate download. Watch out for other company’s hidden fees! Their program is accepted by all courts in Florida and FLDHSMV.

Do I need to appear in court before enrolling in online traffic school?

In most instances, you do not have to go to court before enrolling and completing the traffic school course. If your ticket is eligible to be paid online, it might be possible to avoid court. However, some tickets are not eligible to be paid online and must be paid in-person at the court. Look at your ticket’s small print and/or contact the court for more information.

What happens after I complete my traffic school course?

Complete the course and submit your traffic school certificate of completion to the clerk of the court. Those who select reasons for attendance outside of Basic Driver improvement such as for Auto Insurance Discount or Business will not have to submit the documentation to a court clerk., but to their auto insurance agent and/or business manager.

The traffic school will report your completion to the FL DMV however. This way, your completion will be recorded on your driving record.

How many times can I take online traffic school?

You can complete the traffic school course one time every 12 months while living in the state of Florida. However, you are limited to completing the course five times in your lifetime. If you sign up for FL traffic school and fail the final quiz, do not worry! You will receive unlimited attempts to pass the course.

How much time do I have to complete the traffic shool online and show proof of completion to the Clerk’s office?

After notifying the Clerk of your intention to take the traffic school course, you have 60 to 90 days from the point in time when the citation is issued to complete the traffic school course. You must also provide proof of completion within this time frame. The completion certificate must be submitted to the traffic division within the Clerk’s office. Be sure to check with the traffic division in the Clerk’s office in the county where you were cited for specific requirements.

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Answering common traffic school questions https://www.myimprov.com/traffic-school-answers/ https://www.myimprov.com/traffic-school-answers/#comments Fri, 07 Apr 2017 18:20:02 +0000 https://www.myimprov.com/?p=38221 Are you enrolled in traffic school and feeling a bit nervous about the expectations? If so, you are not alone. Most people experience some degree of anxiety. It is quite…

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Are you enrolled in traffic school and feeling a bit nervous about the expectations? If so, you are not alone. Most people experience some degree of anxiety. It is quite normal.

However, you should calm down. The goal of traffic school is to make you a safer driver. The curriculum is not set up for you to fail. Instead, quite the opposite is true. The institution wants you to comprehend the material as fully as possible. Your success is their success.

This all sounds well and good, but you also know that in the end you have to complete a certain amount of work with a passing score. Keep reading below to find out just where to turn for answers to your traffic school assignments.

Use this information to help get a passing score. Then, enjoy the safe driver record and dismissal of tickets. And, of course, do not forget the mandatory insurance discount.

I’m struggling with my online traffic school course, what should I do?

You would be surprised at how easy things can be when you use a little common sense. Just stop trying to make traffic school so difficult and all will be smooth sailing.

When things get tough, just sit back and relax. You have been a driver for some time now. The answer is probably the one that seems right to you. Use your intuition.

For example, the rules of the road exist to protect motorists and pedestrians. You already know this. So, use this knowledge to help you figure out the answers to your traffic school questions. If a choice does not help keep people safe on the road, then you can discard it.

Can I ask friends & family for help with my online traffic school?

The people around you, such as family and friends, are excellent sources of information on traffic laws. Many of them have been driving for decades and know all the rules in your state. Be sure to ask them for help when trying to complete your course.

It may be best to rely on more than one person for the answers. You will want a variety of opinions. Listen to what everyone has to say, check your course material again and then choose the best answer.

How can I use the internet as a source for answers with my traffic school online?

You should search the internet for relevant driving websites. Your state motor vehicle department will have the current rules of the road available online. Likewise, the state insurance department can provide you with information on auto insurance requirements.

Last, the state court website can explain what will happen if you break the laws while behind the wheel.

What about the instructor of the online traffic school course, can I ask them for help?

If truly stuck with nowhere to turn, then ask your instructor for help. Now, you should always be sure to have attempted to find the answer yourself first. Quite often, wayward students will skip the reading material or fail to follow instructions and then expect the instructor to bail them out.

Truly attempt the assignment before asking for the instructor to explain it to you. Doing so will make their explanation that much more comprehensible.

Traffic school success is right around the corner!

You are now prepared to complete your traffic school with flying colors. Just take things easy and you will succeed in becoming an acknowledged safe driver in your state.

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Traffic School Daze vs. Real Traffic School https://www.myimprov.com/traffic-school-daze-vs-real-traffic-school/ https://www.myimprov.com/traffic-school-daze-vs-real-traffic-school/#respond Mon, 03 Apr 2017 20:35:06 +0000 https://www.myimprov.com/?p=38158 If you saw the Jamie Foxx Show, Season 2, Episode 10, when he goes to traffic school, you might be a bit anxious about signing up. Do not worry, the…

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traffic school daze

If you saw the Jamie Foxx Show, Season 2, Episode 10, when he goes to traffic school, you might be a bit anxious about signing up. Do not worry, the show was very much an exaggeration.
Sure the episode was extremely funny, but they got things wrong. You should relax and know that your school wants you to succeed. They will not be out to fail you as was the case for Jamie and Braxton!
Following are some of the realities of traffic school. You should be thankful things are a lot different than in the show.

You Cannot Bribe the School


When they arrive at the traffic school. Jamie tells his co-worker Braxton that they will not have to stay the entire time. He had heard from reliable sources that it is possible to pay off the school. In return, the instructor will claim the student completed the course, and the traffic infraction would be dismissed.

You better not attempt to bribe a traffic school official. They will not take the offer lightly. You may find yourself turned in to the authorities. Moreover, the state may decide to leave your traffic record as is.

In fact, the authorities may even add another violation to your record because of your unethical behavior.

The Instructor is not a DI

The instructor in this episode is a real character for sure. He obviously has watched a few too many military boot camp films. The students are told to address him as “sir!” He yells and threatens them regardless of what they do. It is the form of intimidation you expect of a drill instructor or prison guard.

Well, you can relax. Nobody will yell at you in a traffic school classroom. The instructors are there to help you pass. They will not treat you like a prison inmate.

And, if you are still a bit concerned that maybe you will get that one rogue instructor from the Jamie Foxx Show, then you can always take your class online. This means you will complete the course from the safety of your home. Nobody can yell at you via the computer screen.

You Can Ask Questions Freely

The traffic school succeeds when you succeed. They want you to be a safer driver. Thus, unlike the instructor in the show, the traffic school staff will answer your questions without personal attacks.

Nor will they get into your face in order to intimidate you. Fear is not a tactic used in the real traffic school classroom. Instead, expect to find compassionate instructors who enjoy their jobs.

No Ten-Hour Mandatory Sessions

Jamie and Braxton “belong” to the instructor for the next ten hours according to the show. Now, that is pure torture.

You will not have to endure such a long duration of traffic school at one time, unless that is your choice. Just sign up for the online version. You can start and complete sessions at your convenience. Too bad Jamie did not think of that?

No Pushups


Jamie had to do over 1000 pushups as punishment for his behavior.

Fortunately, you will never be told to perform any physical activity whatsoever. Just listen to the instructor, study your course material and it will be smooth sailing.

Nobody Goes Home Broken

Repeatedly throughout the show, the instructor tells Jamie and Braxton that he will eventually “break them” down. Supposedly, the students will get tired of the harassment and give up. For some reason that would be a plus to the television instructor.

In real traffic school, the instructors want you to enjoy all the benefits of course completion. Then, you will go on to tell others to attend the school.

They want to “make you” not “break you.”

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TOP 3 DRIVING TEST FAILS https://www.myimprov.com/top-3-driving-test-fails/ https://www.myimprov.com/top-3-driving-test-fails/#respond Wed, 15 Mar 2017 21:02:23 +0000 https://www.myimprov.com/?p=37974 You hold your breath as you carefully turn on your blinker to make a right turn onto a four-lane road. Your passenger helpfully advises, “Get into the left lane,” and you do. And that’s why you…

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driving test fails drivers ed

You hold your breath as you carefully turn on your blinker to make a right turn onto a four-lane road. Your passenger helpfully advises, “Get into the left lane,” and you do. And that’s why you flunk your driving test — you should’ve gotten into the right lane, then signaled, looked over your shoulder and changed lanes. Darn it!

If you were unsuccessful on the first try at your driving test, it probably made you feel like a big old loser. After all the buildup, having to retake an online driver’s ed course or going to work and telling people you failed felt like wearing a “dunce” cap and sitting on a stool in the corner.

You’re not alone, if you’re one of the many people who didn’t pass right away. In the ‘90s, the state of California actually made its driving test easier because so many people — 64 percent! — were flunking on the first try. But anyone who’s failed their driving test for making a simple error can’t hold a candle to some people who have failed their tests in spectacularly bad fashion. Here are the TOP 3 offenders:

Sink or swim

River Car

One lady in England reportedly showed up to take her test — for the fifth time — and drove straight into a river. Luckily for her, her swimming skills got her back to shore. The instructor wasn’t so lucky, however. He climbed on the roof of the car and yelled for help.
You can read the full story< a href="https://www.1stdrive.com/funny-driving-lesson-stories/">here.
Take it to the bank

Bank Car

In another widely reported case of flat-out nutty driving tests, a woman failed because within 10 seconds of getting behind the wheel, she drove into a bank and flipped her car on its roof.

For Full Story, CLICK HERE

If at first…

For some reason, many of the craziest driving tests tend to pop up in England — driving on the wrong side of the road, maybe?

In one widely publicized case, a 42-year-old man reportedly failed his driving test 36 times. But, good news, the 37th time was the charm!

Another 30-year-old man still hadn’t passed after 86 tries…

And another English lady was said to have failed her driving theory test some 110 times

For Full Story, CLICK HERE

Why is it so hard for some people?

The requirement of a test to get a driver’s license exists in some form throughout the world, and road tests are designed to test a driver’s ability under normal conditions. In the United States, one of the reasons that passing driving tests can prove difficult is that they can vary by state.

Just before the turn of the 20th century, New York City and Chicago became the first places to require passing a test before being allowed to drive a vehicle. In 1903, Missouri and Massachusetts became the first states to require that drivers have licenses, but Missouri didn’t require a test!

Your mileage may vary

Since then, there’s never been a standardized driving test in the United States, and driving requirements vary. In South Dakota, you must be 14 years and 3 months old to get a restricted license. In New Jersey, the age is 17. Drivers younger than 18 typically are required to take some type of driver education course before testing for a license. In New York, that restriction also applies to adults driving for the first time.

Driving can be tough

With all the varying restrictions, it’s no surprise that some would-be drivers won’t pass their test on the first go — or maybe even the 10th. But as with many activities in life, practice makes perfect.
For drivers who have received a moving traffic violation or wish to earn a discount on car insurance, defensive driving courses or traffic schools can be the solution. If you’ve gotten a traffic ticket, traffic court in your county may let you go to traffic school to have the ticket dismissed with no points added to your record. If you voluntarily enroll in traffic school, you may even earn a safe driver discount from your car insurance company.

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Defensive Driving Course vs. Driver’s Education https://www.myimprov.com/defensive-driving-course-vs-drivers-education/ https://www.myimprov.com/defensive-driving-course-vs-drivers-education/#comments Fri, 20 Jan 2017 23:38:44 +0000 https://www.myimprov.com/?p=37340 As one of the top online schools that offer Defensive Driving courses, Traffic School and Driver’s Ed classes, we get a lot of students calling to ask, “Wait, what do…

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As one of the top online schools that offer Defensive Driving courses, Traffic School and Driver’s Ed classes, we get a lot of students calling to ask, “Wait, what do I need to take?”

Defensive Driving Course

A defensive driving course is meant for individuals that have received a ticket and would like it dismissed or to avoid the points accumulating on their driving record, received a court order to take a course, received a letter from the DMV requiring that they take a course, or have an insurance company that offers a discount on their premium for taking a course.

The course content, length, and time requirement vary from state to state, but each one is designed to teach students important rules of driving and laws of the road, directly from each state’s driver handbook, which are necessary to know to be a responsible and safe driver.

A student may take the defensive driving course in a classroom or they can take the course conveniently online from the comfort of their own home with online companies, such as Improv Traffic School. Typically, with classroom courses, they will spend a day in the classroom and do it all in one day. With online courses, they can log in and out as much as they would like, as long as they complete the course by the due date designated by the court/DMV/insurance company. Typically, this course is taken as a punishment for a moving violation and therefore can be anticipated as a negative experience.

For Example

The typical defensive driving course for Florida for minor moving violations is the Basic Driver Improvement course. It is a 4-hour course made up of several chapters, covering the content of the DMV driver handbook, and at the end of the course, the student must pass a final exam.

Once they complete the course, their completion is reported to the DMV and they must submit a copy of their certificate to the court. If a course is not taken, points may be applied to their driving record and if enough points add up, the individual may lose their license. It is beneficial for that person to take the course. For more severe infractions, there are also intermediate and aggressive driver improvement courses. Random Fact: an individual that is licensed in Florida can only take a defensive driving course to dismiss a ticket up to 5 times in their whole lifetime!

Driver’s Education Course

Driver’s Ed or Teen Drivers Education is designed for brand new teen drivers that have never been behind the wheel before and are starting the process of getting their license. Driver’s education is typically a requirement to earn a learner’s permit and driver’s license prior to turning 18 years old. The driver’s education course is designed specifically to prepare an individual to pass their permit test and eventually get their driver’s license.

Each state typically has a different requirement regarding how long the course must be (can range from 4 hours and all the way up to 30 hours) or when a teen can take the course. Like the defensive driving course, a driver’s education course covers all the important information from the DMV driver handbook, which is information that a new driver must know to operate a vehicle and drive safely. Typically, the course is taken in conjunction with a behind-the-wheel class. Since this course is a stepping-stone towards getting what they want (their license), it is seen in a much more positive light than a defensive driving course.

For Example

The teen driver course for Florida is called the Florida Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education (TLSAE) course, which is a 4-hour course and its focus is on driving responsibly and the many problems that can arise due to abusing drug and alcohol. Once the course is completed, the student’s completion is reported to the DMV and they are then eligible to take the permit test. Like the defensive driving course, the course and permit test can be done in person or online, for their convenience. Once the student obtains their permit, they can proceed with behind-the-wheel training and practice with a licensed driver over the age of 21 years old.

For any questions you may have regarding the differences of the courses, please feel free to call Improv Traffic at 1-800-660-8908 for extremely helpful answers!

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