Comments on: California Driving: Am I Eligible for a Good Driver Discount? Defensive Driving Mon, 14 May 2018 14:21:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marinam Mon, 03 Aug 2015 20:52:39 +0000 In reply to Julie Carlson.


In many states, including California, the surcharge is directly connected to the “point” system that’s used by your state’s motor vehicle agency (sometimes called the department or bureau of motor vehicles, “DMV” or “BMV”) to track unsafe drivers and suspend or revoke their drivers’ licenses. Your insurer might use the “points” connected to your license to calculate a surcharge. For example, a point system might look like this:

3 points for a minor at-fault accident, where the claim is less than $2,000
2 points for a minor traffic violation, like speeding

Sometimes, an insurance company will have its own point system that will assign a point value for all kinds of traffic-related offenses.

In either case, the insurance company usually will use some type of mathematical formula that converts your point value to a dollar amount.

Every insurance company has to file its rates with the state in which it sells policies, usually with the state’s department of insurance. The filing usually has to include surcharge amounts and/or how the insurance company figures out the amount of surcharges. So, if you’re involved in an accident or get a ticket that would require a surcharge according to your insurance company rate filings with the state, the insurance company must add it to your policy. It can’t be “waived.”

We do suggest shopping around, and possibly looking at smaller independent companies, as $200+ increase in your case sounds a bit excessive.

By: Julie Carlson Sun, 02 Aug 2015 19:39:59 +0000 How does the point system work for a minor accident? I was backing out of my mom’s curvy driveway last Fall (almost a year ago already) and it was night and very dark and I hit her electric gate post, damaging it and the rear corner of my minivan and it cost a LOT to fix both, but no other vehicle or person was involved, at least. However, GEICO said they are now going to increase my auto policy at my next renewal, next month, nearly $200!! They said it was due to “California Policy” and that even if I shopped around, it will affect my rates, unless I “want less coverage or service” than GEICO would offer me…. I’ve been with GEICO for years and dread shopping around for another reliable coverage. My co-worker got a small independent auto insurance carrier who he says he’s pleased with, even after one small auto accident he had to deal with… What are the risks of a BIG company, vs. these smaller, more independent ones? Will I suffer my Policy rate no matter who I go to? I have full coverage and really want to keep it, but a $200+ increase is a LOT for someone like me who just makes it month to month….Any advice would be GREATLY appreciated. I took your on-line traffic school a couple of years ago and have since referred it to others, by the way. I also found out, back to my insurance, that I live in one of the highest rate cities in California, so that makes it tough for me too.
