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Traffic in El Paso, TX. From the officer's perspective, with fines or tickets posted on a traffic sign above the highway.

If you are a driver in Texas, you know that traffic tickets are a fact of life. Whether you have received a ticket for speeding, running a red light, or any other traffic violation, it is vital to understand your rights and the possible consequences of a Texas traffic ticket. This blog post will provide an overview of what to expect when you receive a traffic ticket in Texas, including information about the fines, court appearances, the potential consequences of a traffic ticket, and your best options to avoid expensive penalties and increased auto insurance premiums. Are you looking for your best bet without reading further? Consider taking a defensive driving course.

Texas Traffic Tickets and Violations

Traffic tickets are a common occurrence in the state of Texas. These violations can cost you money in fines, and points are added to your driving record, resulting in increased insurance premiums. Texas uses a point system for traffic violations, with each violation assigned a certain number of points. Your driver’s license may be suspended if you accumulate too many points within a certain period.

Certain traffic violations in Texas, such as texting while driving or DUI, carry heavier penalties and increased fines. You always have the right to contest your traffic ticket in Texas. Depending on the circumstances, it is possible to have the charges reduced or even dismissed.

If you are found guilty of a traffic violation in Texas, there is a way to reduce the number of points on your driving record. You may be eligible to take an online defensive driving course, which can help reduce your accumulated points.

If you have received a ticket, it’s crucial to understand the traffic laws in Texas and the consequences of breaking them. Taking the necessary steps to contest a traffic ticket or taking an online defensive driving course can help reduce the impact of a traffic violation on your driving record and insurance premiums.

How Much Will My Traffic Ticket Cost Me?

When you receive a traffic ticket in Texas, knowing what to expect regarding fines and other penalties is essential. The cost of a traffic ticket in Texas can vary significantly based on the severity of the violation, the driver’s driving record, and other circumstances.

Fines for minor offenses such as speeding, running a stop sign, or other moving violations can range from $100 to over $500. The penalties can be even higher for more severe offenses such as driving under the influence (DUI) or reckless driving. In addition to the ticket cost, drivers may be required to pay court costs and may have to attend driving school or other programs as punishment.

You can visit the Texas Department of Public Safety website to find out the exact cost and other penalties associated with your traffic ticket. Here, you can look up the specific price and other penalties related to your ticket. Knowing the ticket’s cost and other penalties ahead of time can help you prepare financially and take steps to mitigate the effects of your citation on your driving record.

Types of Texas Traffic Citations

Traffic Violation Associated Fine Court Fees License Points Assessed
1-10 mph over posted limit
$150 $50 2
11-15 mph over posted limit
$200 $50 3
16-20 mph over posted limit
$250 $50 4
20+ mph over posted limit
$300 $50 5
Failure to stop at stop sign $150 $50 2
Failure to yield right of way $200 $50 3
Running a red light $200 $50 2
Reckless driving $200-$500 $50 2
Driving without a license or insurance $200-$500 $50 2
Driving under the influence (DUI) $2,000-$10,000 $3,000 3-6

Please note that these fines and fees are subject to change and may vary by county. Additionally, accumulating too many license points can result in a suspension or revocation of one’s driver’s license.

Additional Traffic Ticket Costs

A traffic ticket in Texas can be more than just the cost of the fine. Drivers may have to pay court costs, administrative fees, and surcharges which can add hundreds of dollars to the total cost of the ticket. Texas also has a Driver Responsibility Program, which adds an annual surcharge for tickets over $100. Depending on the offense, this surcharge can range from $100 to $2,000. A driver receiving multiple tickets in a year can face extremely steep costs.

In addition to the other fees, there is a fee for failing to appear in court for a traffic ticket. This fee can be as high as $250 and can be added to the original ticket’s fine. Drivers who continue to break the law and receive multiple tickets can face even higher administrative fees and other costs— understanding that a traffic ticket in Texas can be much more expensive than just the fine is essential. You should be aware of the additional charges you could face to avoid any unpleasant surprises on your next ticket.

How Will My Traffic Ticket Affect My Driving Record?

Receiving a traffic ticket in Texas can have a significant impact on your driving record and your insurance premiums. Depending on the severity of the violation, points on your record can range from two to six. If you accumulate six or more points within three years, you may be required to attend a defensive driving course. Furthermore, if you reach seven points within three years, your license may be suspended or revoked if you accumulate twelve points within a year.

In addition to the points added to your record, you may also be required to pay a surcharge to the Department of Public Safety. This fee is in addition to any fines associated with the violation. Additionally, you may be subject to a driver responsibility fee if you have multiple violations within a short time.

It is important to note that the consequences of a Texas traffic ticket on your driving record can be severe and long-lasting. As such, it is best to take all necessary precautions to avoid a violation or to contest the ticket if you believe it was issued in error.

What’s the Best Way to Handle a Traffic Ticket?

They saw knowledge is power, which also applies to your Texas traffic violation. Some of the best ways to avoid committing traffic violations include familiarizing yourself with the laws, staying calm and polite if pulled over, and not admitting guilt.

If you do receive a traffic ticket, however, you need to know your options. The most straightforward solution is to pay for the ticket and move on. The benefits to doing so are that you mitigate any late penalties, don’t have to pay to contest the ticket in court, and don’t have to deal with the situation for a protracted time. 

However, paying the ticket does constitute an admission of guilt. Not only will point be added to your license, but you’ll also be looking at some unpleasant increases to your auto insurance premiums.

You can always request your day in court if you believe you have a valid reason to contest the ticket. Preparing your defense with evidence and facts is vital to present it to the court. If you’re facing a serious traffic offense, consider hiring a lawyer. Your chances of successfully contesting your ticket increase dramatically with an attorney, but even then, success is far from guaranteed. On top of that, you’ll then be on the hook for expensive lawyer fees, and you still might have to pay the fine and court costs and face that dreaded increase in your insurance premiums if you lose.

Pleading Guilty or No Contest

Being pulled over for a traffic violation in Texas can be a stressful experience. If you’ve been issued a ticket, you have a few options to consider. Pleading guilty or no contest is one of the most common choices, as it is usually the fastest way to resolve a traffic ticket, as it avoids the need for a trial. However, it is crucial to understand this option’s consequences before deciding.

If you plead guilty or no contest to a Texas traffic ticket, you are admitting responsibility for the offense and will face its consequences. Generally, this means paying a fee and/or taking a driver safety course and having points added to your license. 

Depending on the type of violation, pleading guilty or no contest may also result in license suspension or revocation.

If you plead guilty or no contest to a traffic ticket, it will likely stay on your record for three years. Therefore, it is a good idea to consider all of your options before deciding how to proceed. Consulting a lawyer may help you make an informed decision that is best for your particular situation.

Pleading Not Guilty

Receiving a Texas Traffic Ticket can be a daunting experience. You have the right to plead not guilty, essentially entering a plea of innocence and asking the court to provide you with a trial to prove your innocence. You can present evidence in your defense on the court date or provide testimony. Additionally, you may be able to challenge the evidence presented by the prosecution.

If the court finds you not guilty, they will waive any fines or penalties associated with the ticket. However, if you are found guilty, you must pay the ticket amount and any additional fines or penalties related to the violation.

It is important to note that if you plead not guilty, you may be required to attend a hearing in court and may be found guilty. Therefore, it is important to consider the potential consequences, both financially and legally, before choosing to plead not guilty. We highly recommend consulting an attorney before your hearing if you’re considering pleading not guilty and contesting your traffic ticket.

No matter your decision, taking Texas traffic tickets seriously and understanding the consequences of violating traffic laws is crucial. Fines, penalties, and other legal repercussions can have a lasting impact on your life and livelihood. Therefore, your focus should be taking proactive steps to protect yourself, your finances, and your legal rights.

What Can I Do to Keep My Ticket from Raising My Insurance Rates?

When you receive a ticket, there are several steps you should take to ensure you don’t face further penalties. First, check with your insurance provider to see how your premiums will be affected by the points added to your driving record.

Another option is to consider taking a defensive driving course to have the ticket dismissed. Not all tickets will be eligible for dismissal in this way, so check with the court to see if this is an option for you. If you contest the ticket, ensure you have a good defense ready.

Regardless of whether you contest the ticket, you will need to pay any fines associated with the ticket promptly. Doing so will help you avoid any additional fees or penalties. Also, ask your insurance provider about discounts for good driving, which could help lower your premiums.

Defensive Driving Courses to the Rescue

It has to be clear at this point. Getting a Texas traffic ticket can be a considerable inconvenience and costly. Fines, court costs, and increased insurance premiums can add up quickly and be a financial headache. Fortunately, there are ways to reduce the impact of a Texas traffic ticket, and one of the most effective is to take a defensive driving course.

Defensive driving courses can help you become a better and safer driver by teaching you the road rules and building on the safe driving skills you learned in driver education. 

Not only will you graduate as a safer and more confident driver than you began the course, but most Texas courts also allow drivers to take a defensive driving course to dismiss a traffic ticket. Dismissing your ticket means you can potentially avoid the costly fines and insurance rate increases that come with it.

Defensive driving courses are offered in person and online in Texas so that you can take them at your own pace. The convenience of online defensive driving courses makes it easy for busy drivers to fit their training into their schedules. By completing a defensive driving course, you can save money in the long run by avoiding costly insurance rate hikes.

If you’ve recently received a Texas traffic ticket, consider taking a defensive driving course. It can help you reduce the points on your license, avoid costly fines, and save money on your insurance premiums.

How to Contact the Court

No matter which option you’re considering to resolve your ticket, the first step is to locate your court’s website or contact information. In Texas, the contact information for the court is available on the Texas Courts website. Once you have the contact information, you can contact the court by phone during normal business hours, typically 8am-5pm. The court’s website can provide valuable information about the court’s procedures, filing deadlines, and contact information.

You can also contact the court by sending a letter to the court’s address. If you prefer, you can also visit the court in person to discuss your case or to file documents. No matter which way you choose to contact the court, it’s important to follow the procedures outlined by the court and to be respectful of the court staff. If you need additional help, you may consider consulting a lawyer or other legal professional.

Check Your Texas Driving Record

Nobody likes getting a traffic ticket, especially in Texas. But if you’re unlucky enough to get one, it’s essential to understand your rights and responsibilities. The first step is to check your Texas driving record. Checking your history helps you stay current on any tickets you’ve received and ensure they’re accurately accounted for. Before taking any action, check to ensure your driving record is accurate.

Staying informed is critical to avoid tickets in the future. Monitor your points and ensure you remain within the maximum number of points allowed. If you’ve accumulated too many points, you can take a defensive driving course to help reduce or eliminate the points on your record. Many courts offer payment options for traffic tickets, so be sure to explore the options available. You can appeal the decision if you feel the ticket was issued unfairly.

No matter what, it’s crucial to stay informed about your Texas driving record. This will help ensure that you don’t get any unnecessary tickets and help you take the appropriate action if you do receive one.

The Best Way to Avoid Ticket Penalties in Texas

While you have many options after receiving a traffic ticket in Texas, if you want to avoid excessive fines, license points, and increased insurance premiums, taking a TLDR-approved defensive driving course is your best bet.

You can roll the dice and try to make your case in court but could be responsible for other court-related fees and the real expense of hiring an attorney.

You can pay the fine, but you’ll be looking at potential license penalties, annual fees, and a big bump in auto insurance costs.

So, a defensive driving program is a great option. Courses can be taken online and at your own pace. Best of all, you can mitigate the increase in auto insurance premiums, saving you some serious cash in the long run.

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Answering Common Texas Defensive Driving Questions https://www.myimprov.com/texas-defensive-driving-questions-answered/ https://www.myimprov.com/texas-defensive-driving-questions-answered/#respond Tue, 02 Aug 2022 00:27:29 +0000 https://myimprov.wpengine.com/?p=59016 The state of Texas is the largest state in the continental United States and is also one of the most populated. Due to the sheer amount of people and large…

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The silhouette of a cowboy on horseback at sunset on a background

The state of Texas is the largest state in the continental United States and is also one of the most populated. Due to the sheer amount of people and large cities in the state, there are always a lot of people on the road in the state of Texas. All motorists in the state of Texas have the responsibility to be safe when behind the wheel. A great way to learn more about how to be a safe driver is by taking a defensive driving course in Texas. These courses are available to all drivers in Texas that have a driver’s license or learner’s permit.

What is Taught During a Texas Defensive Driving Course?

If you do take a defensive driving course in Texas, you will get to learn a lot about driving safely. One area of focus for a Texas defensive driving course is to teach best practices to be safe when behind the wheel. This includes teaching how to be focused, how to prepare your car and mirrors, how to use signals, and what hazards to look out for. One of these courses will also spend time going over the driving rules and regulations in the state. This can make the course a great class for either a new driver or a refresher for an existing one.

How Does Defensive Driving Help with Citations?

While defensive driving courses in Texas are a great way to learn about driving safely, it can also be a way to get out of speeding tickets and other minor moving violations. Even if you are a safe driver, there is a chance that you will get a ticket at some point. If you are charged with a ticket, it could sit on your record for a long time and affect your future insurance costs. However, in many situations, you can instead take a defensive driving course and the citation will be removed from your record.

What Could Disqualify Someone from Taking a Defensive Driving Course in Texas?

While most drivers in Texas will be able to take a defensive driving course to help get out of a ticket, there are situations in which you will not qualify to receive citation penalty relief. Some situations that could disqualify you from taking a defensive driving course include the following:

  • You refused to admit guilt to the driving violation. To have the citation removed, you will need to admit that you did violate the law.
  • You have not received a citation or taken a similar class over the past 12 months. These courses and citation relief are not available for routine and repeat offenders.
  • The citation was deemed to be very significant. For example, driving more than 25 MPH over the speed limit would prevent you from taking this course and receiving citation relief.
  • You have lost your driver’s license or learner’s permit and are not eligible to presently drive a vehicle.

If you are a holder of a CDL license in Texas and were caught speeding while driving a commercial truck, you will not be able to take this course. This is intended to be used for normal passenger vehicles.

How Do I Take a Defensive Driving Course?

One concern that anyone will have with a defensive driving course is that it will be too expensive and inconvenient. However, these courses are often able to be completed in a short period of time and can be done from the comfort of your own home. Once you pass the final test, you will receive certification immediately. This can then be shared with insurance companies and your local DMV to show you have met your obligations.

There are various situations when taking a defensive driving course can be ideal for those in the state of Texas. When you are looking for a new defensive driving course, you should consider those offered by MyIMPROV Texas. These courses are approved by courts, insurance companies, and state driving agencies all over the country due to the quality education provided to students.

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Texas Defensive Driving Explained https://www.myimprov.com/texas-defensive-driving-explained/ https://www.myimprov.com/texas-defensive-driving-explained/#respond Mon, 01 Aug 2022 23:11:50 +0000 https://myimprov.wpengine.com/?p=59009 Some people are asked to take a defensive driving course after they’ve gotten a ticket. Some people simply want to take a defensive driving course to improve their driving and…

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The silhouette of a cowboy on horseback at sunset on a background

Some people are asked to take a defensive driving course after they’ve gotten a ticket. Some people simply want to take a defensive driving course to improve their driving and help them stay safer behind the wheel. No matter the reason, defensive driving courses in Texas are never a bad idea. The fist step is to find out the real cost of defensive driving in Texas. Read on to learn all about defensive driving courses in Texas: what they are, how much they cost, how long they take to complete, the many benefits of these courses and how you can get started today.

What is a Defensive Driving Course

Defensive driving courses are offered in each state in the United States. In short, these courses aim to help people become better drivers.

Defensive driving courses teach safe driving strategies so that drivers can identify hazards on the road, anticipate dangerous situations and make safe decisions alongside all kinds of other drivers. They help drivers gain a new perspective on viewing the road.

Defensive driving courses are different from drivers ed classes. Drivers ed classes generally teach people how to operate a vehicle, all about state driving laws and different driving safety practices. A defensive driving class, on the other hand, teaches people how to drive defensively in order to prevent accidents and not do anything illegal on the road. They teach you how to handle aggressive drivers, extreme weather, obstacles in the road, car malfunctions and emergency situations.

How much money are defensive driving courses in Texas?

In the rest of the United States, defensive driving courses range in price from $15 to $100. In Texas, however, The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation requires that the cost of defensive driving course to be at least $25. You may be able to find a course in Texas for $25, and some may cost up to $100.

The vast majority of people who have taken defensive driving courses say that they are well worth the money.

How long does it take to complete a defensive driving course in Texas?

The length of each defensive driving course varies from state to state, and they are typically four, six or eight hours long. A Texas defensive driving course must take to take a minimum of six hours to complete, and most are six or eight hours.

Most defensive driving places offer courses both in-person and online. If you choose to take an online defensive driving course, you can start and stop the course at your own pace.

What are the benefits of completing a defensive driving course?

There are so many benefits of completing a defensive driving course. Here are just a few:

  • Insurance discounts: When you complete this course, simply tell your car insurance company, and you should be able to get a discount on your car insurance that lasts for at least a few years. The insurance discount for defensive driving courses varies from 5% to 20%.
  • Dismissal of tickets: Most minor citations in Texas can be dismissed by taking a defensive driving course. However, Texas defensive driving courses can only be used to dismiss one ticket in any 12-month period.
  • License point reduction: When you complete a defensive driving course approved by the state of Texas, it will reduce or eliminate any points on your license.

How to Start a Texas Defensive Driving Course

If you’re ready to take a defensive driving course in Texas, MyIMPROV has your covered. With years of experience and fun and engaging courses, IMPROV’s dedication to rethinking the ordinary will help you get through defensive driving in Texas as quickly, easily, and well entertained as possible.

Visit MyIMPROV Texas to get started today!

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Texas Driving Records: Everything You Need to Know https://www.myimprov.com/texas-driving-records-everything-you-need-to-know/ https://www.myimprov.com/texas-driving-records-everything-you-need-to-know/#respond Thu, 14 Jul 2022 18:47:45 +0000 https://myimprov.wpengine.com/?p=58856 Across the country, each state has the power to create and maintain its own driving record system—and the great state of Texas is no exception. Specifically, the Texas Department of…

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The seal of the State of Texas taken from a courtroom.

Across the country, each state has the power to create and maintain its own driving record system—and the great state of Texas is no exception. Specifically, the Texas Department of Public Safety (like many other state authorities across the United States) utilizes a point system to record traffic violations.

By having a better understanding of how Texas driving records and points work, drivers licensed in this state can have a better idea of what to expect if they ever commit an offense. Likewise, knowing the options for getting points removed from a Texas driving record can help drivers avoid higher insurance premiums and other consequences.

How Does the Texas Point System Work?

The Texas driver record system is pretty straight-forward. Any moving violation for which you are cited and convicted is subject to points. This remains true regardless of whether the violation occurs in our out of state. Non-moving violations (such as parking tickets), on the other hand, will not result in points on your record. Still, non-moving violations can still come with hefty fines, so it’s best to avoid them.

Some of the most common examples of traffic violations that can lead to points on your license in Texas include:

  • Speeding
  • Unsafe lane changes
  • Illegal U-turns
  • Driving without insurance
  • Running a red light or stop sign
  • Failure to yield

The number of points that will be assigned to your license will depend on the violation. Most moving violations (both in and out of state) result in two points, though violations that result in an accident can cost you up to three points on your license. All points stay on your Texas driving record for three years from the conviction date.

Drivers can check for points on their Texas driving records any time by visiting the Department of Public Safety Licensee Driver Records website. This is also a great place to check your driver license status and request a copy of your record by mail.

“Fun” Fact: Texas Driver Responsibility Program

Up until 2019, Texas also used a surcharge system. Known as the Driver Responsibility Program (DRP), this system assessed fines to drivers who accumulated excessive points on their records. Those with six or more points on their records, for example, could expect an annual $100 fine until the points were dropped. If a driver accumulated seven or more points on his or her record within 24 months’ time, the license could even be suspended.

In late 2019, Texas’ 86th Legislature voted to repeal this program. Those with outstanding fines were still required to pay them, but license suspensions under the program were waived and no additional DRP fines have been issued.

How to Reduce Points on Your Texas Driving Record

If you have points on your Texas driving record, they’ll automatically “fall off” your record three years after the date of your conviction. Keep in mind that this may not be the same as the date of the violation, particularly if you took the matter to court and lost. In this case, the conviction date will be considered the day you appeared in court.

If you have pending charges for moving violations, you may be able to avoid additional points on your record by pleading not guilty to the charges and requesting a court hearing. Disputing a traffic charge can be difficult, however, so you may want to consult with an attorney to help your case.

If all else fails, you can always explore the possibility of having points removed from your record by completing a safe driving course or similar class. In some cases, completing a state-approved defensive driving course may not only remove the points from a driver’s license, but dismiss the charge altogether.

The most important thing here is to ensure that the class you enroll in is approved in your state. The best way to do this is to reach out to the court or jurisdiction where your violation was charged. Typically, you can enroll in these classes either online or in-person to suit your needs.

Drivers are expected to pay for the costs of their own classes, although the money saved in insurance premiums and other fees can make it more than worth the expense. Plus, drivers will walk away with some new tips and strategies for safe driving that could help them avoid future violations and/or accidents.

Avoid Texas Driver’s License Points with Safe Driving

Nobody is perfect—and making a mistake behind the wheel doesn’t have to ruin your driving record. By having a better understanding of how the Texas point system works and how to get points dropped from your license, you can keep your driving record clear. This, in turn, can keep you safe on the road and keep your insurance premiums down!

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Texas Defensive Driving Requirements: Everything You Need to Know https://www.myimprov.com/texas-defensive-driving-requirements-2/ https://www.myimprov.com/texas-defensive-driving-requirements-2/#respond Fri, 19 Nov 2021 22:41:00 +0000 https://www.myimprov.com/?p=56975 Sometimes it seems like the universe is plotting against you. You wake up late for work, skip breakfast, and are overall having a bad…

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Lady Justice in front of a Texas flag

Sometimes it seems like the universe is plotting against you.

You wake up late for work, skip breakfast, and are overall having a bad day. Then before you realize it, you’re driving over the speed limit, and boom, a Texas police officer pulls you over and gives you a ticket… now it’s a REALLY bad day.

With a previous traffic ticket in your name, you can’t afford to have another on your driving record, but the chances of fighting the ticket and winning are slim.

Sound familiar? Researching the Texas defensive driving requirements is the first step to your solution.

Defensive driving courses can help resolve tickets and remove points from your record. Not every infraction is covered, so here’s a guide on everything you need to know about them.

Why Should You Consider a Defensive Driving Course?

There are a few paths you can follow when trying to make a ticket disappear. You can simply pay the fine. If you do that, the cost is taken care of, but you essentially plead “nolo contendere” and points will be added to your record as they usually would.

You could try talking to the judge, but most judges will look at the facts of the traffic laws broken and deny your request. You could even risk a harsher ruling if the judge knows you’re a repeat offender.

Lastly, you can simply pretend it didn’t exist, which means more fees and harsher penalties if you don’t take the necessary steps to amend the ticket.

None of these give you the outcome of point reduction and ticket removal, so taking a defensive course is your best option. Once completed, your certificate of proof can expunge the ticket. It can even get your insurance to trust you again and lower your rates.

Texas Defensive Driving Requirements

You should note that not all traffic violations are created equal, and some may not qualify for removal. Before signing up, check out these Texas state requirements you must meet:

  • You Have a Valid Non-Commercial Driver License
  • The ticket states an infraction of less than 25 MPH over the speed limit
  • You have not completed the course within the last 12 months
  • Your infraction was outside a construction zone
  • There are no special circumstance reprieves, unfortunately, so you’ll have to meet all requirements. On top of that, approval needs to come from a judge before taking the course. Signing up before this approval can void the certificate of completion.
    If you need help determining if your ticket qualifies, you can ask the judge in court or contact their office directly.

    How a Defensive Driving Course Can Help With Ticket Dismissal

    After you confirm that you meet the qualifications, you will be able to complete the following steps for ticket dismissal relatively quickly. With the green light to proceed, you bring the court all the defensive driving court documents they need to approve.

    These forms include license, proof of insurance, a signed admittance of guilt, and any fee money they’ll charge for processing.

    Once you have completed the administration aspect, you can enroll yourself in an accredited driving school. Visit the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation website to find a course.

    When you have completed everything, you’ll return to the courthouse with your certificate of completion and your driving record and watch smugly as the ticket removal occurs.

    Just kidding! You should be friendly to the court staff; it may make the processing time shorter!

    What Will You Learn in the Defensive Driving?

    In the course, you’ll get a refresher on the regulations and laws of traffic. This includes safety equipment, the aspects of a crash, how to prevent crashes/accidents, DUI’s and much more.

    It also dives into the human and psychological aspects of driving. As a student, you’ll overcome the mental roadblocks that may trigger road rage with practical techniques in other parts of daily life.

    In the end, you’ll have improved on anticipating predictable hazards, how to avoid them, and becoming an overall more responsible motorist.

    The class will be a minimum of 6 hours, so bring some lunch and must be completed in its entirety for you to get credit. For those that want to opt-out of in-person interaction, the course is also offered online and offers more flexibility because you can stop and go when you want to.

    Already Taken Defensive Driving in Texas? Here’s What Changed

    You need to know a few changes if you’ve taken the course before 2015 and need to retake it. All driving education/ defensive courses have switched over from the Texas Education Agency or TEA and are now under the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation responsibilities.

    This change means that when you complete the new defensive driving course, your certification may state TDLR. If you have a certificate under TEA, it is still valid, and you will be able to use it until the regulated expiration date given by the court or insurance company.

    The TEA remains the approving agency for deciding on programs for education, but all TEA accredited driving schools need approval for accreditation from the TDLR.

    Yes, it’s a lot of information, and the goal isn’t to make your head spin, But it’s important to remember to check their accreditation first if you plan on going back to the same driving school.

    Texas Defensive Driving Can Help You Get Started on Ticket Dismissal Today

    Getting a ticket could ruin your driving record and insurance if left unhandled. The right driving school can prevent that from happening by helping you sign up for the defensive driving course. Take some time to find the one that’s right for you. Some schools take a straightforward
    approach, presenting you with the information in a dry, consumable format. Others believe they have discovered the secret formula to retain information by mixing comedy and learning, hoping to educate through engagement.

    A defensive driving course is an excellent opportunity to prevent the consequences of your traffic citation and improve as a driver. Sign up for Defensive Driving Texas Course today to get started. Take advantage of the situation to set yourself for continued driving success and avoid future citations altogether!

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    Beaumont, Texas Traffic VS Houston, Texas Traffic https://www.myimprov.com/beaumont-texas-traffic-vs-houston-texas-traffic/ https://www.myimprov.com/beaumont-texas-traffic-vs-houston-texas-traffic/#respond Thu, 29 Mar 2018 18:43:10 +0000 https://www.myimprov.com/?p=41387 Every Texan knows the horrendous stories of driving around Beaumont, Texas or Houston, Texas. The terrifying road conditions and gridlock traffic would leave anyone turning in their sleep. Moreover, when…

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    Every Texan knows the horrendous stories of driving around Beaumont, Texas or Houston, Texas. The terrifying road conditions and gridlock traffic would leave anyone turning in their sleep. Moreover, when two cities in Texas are similar, in whatever way possible, they must duke it out to discover who’s the best.

    In this case, which city is the best at having the worst traffic: Beaumont, Texas or Houston, Texas? To answer this perplexing question, we have to weigh the contributions to traffic build up. Below is your guide on which city has the worst traffic conditions in Texas.

    Beaumont, Texas Traffic

    Rush Hour

    texas traffic

    Rush Hour traffic is a plague on the idea of a timely arrival. For several hours in a day, the roads of Beaumont fill up with anxious drivers leaving for work or speeding home. Between 7:00 AM and 8:00 AM, Beaumont experiences high volumes of traffic, because, apparently, a lot of people work the ol’ 9 to 5 grind.

    Traffic Accidents

    traffic accident

    Traffic Accidents can cause major congestion and worsen peak busy hours. In 2014, Beaumont experienced nearly 642 traffic accidents. It could have been less, but people didn’t enroll in their Texas online defensive driving course. With statistics like this, the biggest accident is choosing to drive in the city.

    Road Conditions

    bad road conditions

    Road Conditions can bring traffic to a screeching halt. Whether there’s hindering construction, or you drive over a camouflaged pothole that destroys your tires, the condition of the road contributes greatly to the flow of traffic. Beaumont receives countless complaints of the poor road conditions and not enough on the lack of Whataburgers.

    Speed Traps

    beaumont speed trap

    Speed Traps will ruin anyone’s day. Getting slapped with a speeding ticket will force you to cough up hundreds of dollars. It will also make getting through traffic worse. Littered along I-10 are traps set to catch anyone exceeding the speed limit. Drive the speed limit or break your wallet’s limit.

    Houston, Texas Traffic

    Rush Hour

    houston traffic

    Rush Hour is expected in large cities. What isn’t expected is how much longer it lasts in Houston than it does in smaller cities, like Beaumont. From 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM and from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM, the city of Houston experiences massive delays in traffic, because of car congestion from busy commuters. Rush hour is longer in the evening, because Houston has a great selection of Whataburgers.

    Downtown Traffic

    downtown houston traffic

    Downtown Traffic is a whole other story. When rush hour stops everywhere else, downtown traffic continues to persevere. Instead of calling it “rush hour,” in downtown Houston, they just call it “rush forever.”

    Road Conditions

    houston road condition

    Road Conditions in Houston are… not the worst. Despite the massive number of commuters, the infrastructure around Space City is in pretty good condition. However, that doesn’t account for road construction, which adds time to anyone’s commute.

    Speed Traps

    houston speed trap

    Speed Traps are set up around the city. Except trapping season is all year long. Specifically, police like to target highways when setting up a speed trap. This is to catch people running late for work or trying to get home in a hurry. If you have a honey butter chicken biscuit from Whataburger in your passenger seat, who wouldn’t be in a hurry.

    It’s hard to compare the two cities. However, when it comes to traffic, they both have a notorious reputation. The only true way to discover which city has the worst traffic is by visiting the areas. Except we’ve been checking the traffic radar for downtown Houston all day and it’s STILL considered rush hour.

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    2018 Texas Traffic Laws https://www.myimprov.com/2018-texas-traffic-laws/ https://www.myimprov.com/2018-texas-traffic-laws/#respond Wed, 21 Feb 2018 00:08:49 +0000 https://www.myimprov.com/?p=41012 As is the case with most states in the union, Texas is always updating its driving and Texas traffic laws as technology, trends and other factors require it to. For 2018, there are a few notable…

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    As is the case with most states in the union, Texas is always updating its driving and Texas traffic laws as technology, trends and other factors require it to. For 2018, there are a few notable new laws that have taken effect. We’ll also examine one big notable law that took effect in 2017 that is certainly worth reinforcing when it comes to their significance. Here’s a look:

    Faster Vehicle Sales?

    When a vehicle is sold, it’s standard for this ownership to be transferred from seller to buyer. A new bill, S.B. 1062, aims to speed up bill sales by further streamlining odometer readings. Prior to the bill taking effect, the only way to meet the odometer reading requirement for a sale was to do it on a secure form. Why? Because it prevented any tampering from occurring. After it was done this way, the form then had to be mailed, which could potentially delay the vehicle ownership transfer process by a few days.

    Now, it’s no longer a requirement to file the odometer reading this way. Per the bill, electronic forms are the only thing that’s needed today, making for faster transfers. It’s also worth noting that electronic readings may also now be submitted in the case of filing an insurance claim. Sometimes, the waiting is the hardest part – this makes the wait times much more manageable.

    No Texting and Driving

    Though this involves a law that went into effect in 2017, it’s worth repeating. Texas has joined many other states in the union and has made texting and driving illegal thanks to H.B. 62, which went into effect on September 1, 2017. The statewide ban can result in a misdemeanor offense for those who violate it while operating a vehicle.

    According to the law, first-time violators may be fined about $100, with fines doubling for repeat offenders. For context, Texas speeding ticket cost for going one to 10 miles per hour over the speed limit carries a base fine of $97, while speeding 20 miles per hour or more carries a base fine of $200. (We should also note that if you have tickets and points on your license and are interested in getting your insurance premiums decreased, taking courses at a TX traffic school can help.)

    In 2015, almost 3,500 died from an accident involving a distracted driver nationwide. What’s more is that nearly 400,000 people were injured because of distracted driving. It’s these facts that are leading many states to take such matters very seriously, and Texas is now no exception. To date, 47 U.S. states ban texting while driving, as does Puerto Rico, Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

    New Weight Limits on Milk Hauling

    S.B. 1383 likely doesn’t apply to most Texans, but it’s certainly worth noting when it comes to new driving laws for this year. Specifically, the law has increased the weight limits on the amount of milk that can be hauled in a truck. Prior to 2018, that limit was 80,000 pounds. Now, it’s 90,000 pounds. According to the bill’s sponsor, the last time the milk transportation limits were updated was in 1995, so this was evidently due for a review.

    Per the bill, drivers must have a permit to do so. The permit costs $1,200. Again, this won’t apply to the majority of Texas drivers, but we’re guessing that the increased weight limit is welcomed by drivers and grocery stores. For reference, a gallon of milk weighs about 8.6 pounds. That means trucks will be able to carry an additional 1,162.7 gallons with their load.

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    San Antonio Visiting Places https://www.myimprov.com/san-antonio-visiting-places/ https://www.myimprov.com/san-antonio-visiting-places/#respond Mon, 29 Jan 2018 01:44:20 +0000 https://www.myimprov.com/?p=40804 So, you’ve read through your Texas drivers handbook and you’re now ready to hit the road. San Antonio, Texas is a great place for vacation, fun, and adventure. If you’re…

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    So, you’ve read through your Texas drivers handbook and you’re now ready to hit the road. San Antonio, Texas is a great place for vacation, fun, and adventure. If you’re visiting the area, then consider this your ultimate guide to the land.

    Here are some of our favorite places to visit in San Antonio.

    Six Flags

    That’s right, San Antonio is home to a Six Flags resort with fast track roller coasters, water parks, and plenty of entertainment for the entire family. Taking a day to explore this amusement park is a must for the fun seekers and thrill cravers.

    Live Theater

    Home to an abundance of historic theaters, San Antonio has got it all when it comes to live entertainment. You can pay a visit to the Charlie McCombs Empire Theater, the dashing Majestic Theater, or even the Laugh Out Loud Comedy Club.

    So, if you’re trying to entertain your inner thespian, check out some of the programming around San Antonio.

    Museum Culture

    Art museums, science museums, historic museums, etc. The museum culture is very lively around the San Antonio community. Whichever museum you find yourself visiting, you’ll surely find something that interests you in the vast amounts of options you have to choose from.

    Ghost Tours

    San Antonio is an old town with a long-standing history in southern culture. Everyone knows that ghosts love history, and, where there’s ghosts, there’s ghost tours. If you have a passion for the occult, then perhaps pay a visit to one of the many ghost tours offered around the area.

    Whether you believe in ghosts or not, you’ll have a fun, spooky time exploring the historic sights of one of the greatest towns in the south.

    Remembering the Alamo

    The Alamo is a must see when passing through San Antonio. This significant landmark houses some of the most memorable exhibits in the state of Texas. Also, it’s packed with history about the Confederate soldiers who defended the Alamo during its attack. This memorial is conveniently located in downtown San Antonio.


    If you’re trying to grab a brew and a bite to eat, then you’re in luck. San Antonio has got you covered with its teeming brewery culture. Even beer snobs will be surprised to find they’re impressed with the amount of options they have at their disposal when visiting.

    Beer fanatics will go, ahem, bar nuts over San Antonio’s very own Bar walk, which features a walking tour through the historic bars and taverns throughout the city.

    Hiking and Cave Exploration

    There’s not just bars and ghosts in San Antonio. There’s also beautiful hiking trails and serene caves available for exploration. Even if you’re looking for something not as intense, the city offers peaceful parks available for relaxation.

    Bus Tours

    Nothing beats a city tour on the second level of a double decker bus. The best way to see the sights and tourist stops is by taking a bus tour through the city. From architecture to rumored haunted taverns, bus tours will give you a detailed breakdown of everything you need to know about San Antonio while you kick back and watch the city pass you by.

    The San Antonio Zoo

    There’s no better way to get up close to hundreds of animal species, insects, and fish when visiting San Antonio. That’s because it’s a zoo. If you’re trying to educate the children or just wanting to get up close and personal with a giraffe, you’ll be able to find it all at the San Antonio Zoo.


    Pack your golf clubs, if you got them, because it’s country clubs galore in San Antonio. There’s practically a golf course on every street corner here. Bask in the sun while striking your wedge through the sand and enjoy one of many golf courses throughout the city.

    So, fill up the tank and hit the road. San Antonio is one fascinating town just waiting for you to explore it.

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    Texas to California Road Trip and Back https://www.myimprov.com/texas-to-california-road-trip-and-back/ https://www.myimprov.com/texas-to-california-road-trip-and-back/#respond Fri, 12 Jan 2018 20:02:12 +0000 https://www.myimprov.com/?p=40696 Ah, yes. The great American Southwest. Rolling deserts, mountain ranges, and beautiful beaches as far as the eye can see. There’s nothing like a Texas to California road trip! Getting…

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    Ah, yes. The great American Southwest. Rolling deserts, mountain ranges, and beautiful beaches as far as the eye can see. There’s nothing like a Texas to California road trip!

    Getting out of your cramped Houston abode to see your portion of the country can be a great road trip. But, before you get rolling on the road, there’s some things you might be interested in while planning your trip to California and back.

    So, here’s what to consider checking out on your Texas to California road trip.


    The Southwest is home to some of the most beautiful national parks in the entire country.

    Between seeing the Arches in Utah and the Grand Canyon in Arizona, there’s all kind of wonderful spots to check out – so you can take that perfect insta-selfie.

    When taking the I-10 West to California from Texas, you’ll find plenty of stops along the way. So, take a few hours and gander at the natural beauty of the Southwest.


    Driving through the Southwest will take you through small towns teeming with culture. With culture, comes delicious food.

    Take a pit stop in a town to taste test some food you might not have the chance to try in Houston. There’s lots of restaurants between Texas and California, so you could find just about anything.

    You’ll be traveling along the border, so check out some authentic Mexican dishes.


    Instead of driving past those bizarre small shops on the side of the road, make a pit stop and check out what’s for sale.

    You’ll be finding all kinds of unusual and quant shops in the Southwest. Make sure you pack lightly so you can stack your car full of souvenirs you collect along the way. You’ll be glad you made the extra room for gifts and trinkets.

    You might find something extremely strange that you could show off to friends when you get back. Who doesn’t want to see something from a mysterious side road shop?


    By taking a small detour off I-10 West, you’ll have the chance to find one of the most beautiful towns in the Southwest.

    Pasadena is home to exotic wildlife, captivating sights, and gorgeous greenery that you won’t get anywhere else in the country. This cozy town is a popular spot for people to visit and it has great culture.


    If you’re going to Northern California, make sure to take a day stop in Los Angeles. From major tourist destinations such as Hollywood to the nightlife and its culture, Los Angeles has something you’ll find entertaining.

    You can check out one of the famous museums or get cut off by a celebrity in traffic. It’s the entertainment capital of the world. You can’t not be entertained!


    How could we almost forget the most important part of the entire trip?

    It doesn’t matter if you are driving more than 2,000 miles or under 30 kilometers on your road trip, you must be prepared to encounter some dangerous drivers out there. Always drive safe, which includes not being distracted by the sites!

    It also means be aware of the speed limit and traffic laws of each state you aren’t familiar with. You do not want to end up taking a TX defensive driving course to dismiss a ticket. Be prepared and display some of the best defensive driving Houston will ever see. Not just Houston, but New Mexico, Arizona, and California.

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    2018 Current and Future Texas Road Closures https://www.myimprov.com/2018-current-and-future-texas-road-closures/ https://www.myimprov.com/2018-current-and-future-texas-road-closures/#respond Sat, 06 Jan 2018 00:43:17 +0000 https://www.myimprov.com/?p=40652 The state of Texas is the largest of the contiguous United States buy an enormous margin, and the entire state is served by a well-developed road system. Although the geology…

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    The state of Texas is the largest of the contiguous United States buy an enormous margin, and the entire state is served by a well-developed road system. Although the geology and geography of Texas supports long roads with little maintenance, the sheer scale of the state’s highway system ensures that a substantial portion of it will be out of commission at any given time. Texas’s increasing budget woes, which have only grown worse as the population of the state explodes, means that damaged roads will stay damaged for longer and will be repaired more slowly. Fortunately, the Texas State Department of Transportation does excellent work with what they have.

    A well-built and well-maintained road in Texas is one of the smoothest, safest drives anywhere in the world, so it is worth the wait. Here are some parts of Texas that are currently undergoing serious construction and road closures. The list is not meant to be exhaustive, but rather informative and indicative to those who wish to plan a visit or a route to work. Those who live in an area affected by closures and slowdowns may choose to avoid the issue entirely by changing their plans, using the internet to accomplish a task instead of driving there, attending traffic school online, or other methods of working around the issue.

    West Texas

    West Texas is notable for stunning vistas, an absence of vegetation, and an extremely hard geological substrate. Repairs to roads in this area are really needed and long-lasting. All the same, on-ramps and on ramps to Interstate 10 will be closed between Zaragoza and Eastlake, near El Paso, until further notice. There is also construction going on with the Fabens Bridge Project for FM 76. This road is completely closed at this time, and have been since October. They intend to be done with this project by mid-February of 2018.

    East Texas

    East Texas is characterized by soft, silty soil deposited by the process of sedimentation. Although East Texas is not densely populated by the standards of most states, the pine forests and rolling hills are home to a substantial number of Texans. Major highway closures in this area include FM 1878 near Nacogdoches. They are in the process of rebuilding the road, and there is a detour around the affected area in both east and westbound directions. There are also closures on FM 850 until the end of March, and the accident damage done to the bridge on FM 849 will take until July to repair. Both closures are around Tyler.

    North Texas

    North Texas lies on an enormous plateau known by the name of the Llano Estacado. This is empty and unforgiving terrain, but the highways that wend their way across these enormous plains and arroyos are noted for their durability. There are few construction closures or slowdowns in this area, and maintenance is generally excellent. However, the railroad bridge that crosses FM 145 near the small town of Farwell has been damaged, requiring the closure of the road into New Mexico and a detour on to an alternate route.

    Urban Texas

    There is another major area in Texas, and it is mostly found in the triangle that stretches between Dallas, San Antonio, and Houston. This is urban Texas, and area characterized by enormous population density, brutal traffic, 24-hour pressure on the roads every day of the week, and millions and millions of people waiting for full use of road. Closures and constructions in these areas are often exacerbated by these issues. For example, the famous MOPAC project in Austin has been under development for a decade.

    More than a million people have moved into this town during the time that the highway was built, putting a level of pressure on the MOPAC Improvement project that was never imagined by its designers and implementers. Although they have finally completed basic construction on the stretch from Enfield Road to Parmer Lane, there are still major issues with concrete structures, maintenance on areas improperly built, and landscaping. Construction should be expected along these areas well into 2018.

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