New York Archives | MyImprov Defensive Driving Tue, 12 Dec 2023 12:29:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 New York Archives | MyImprov 32 32 210546214 5 Discount Auto Insurance Hacks – How to Save Money on New York Car Insurance Fri, 10 Mar 2023 21:59:14 +0000 Driving in New York can feel like navigating a minefield, especially in the city. With demanding traffic, crazy…

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traffic under Riverside Drive Viaduct, Harlem, Upper Manhattan, New York City, elevated view

Driving in New York can feel like navigating a minefield, especially in the city. With demanding traffic, crazy drivers, and the ever-growing list of moving and parking violations, sometimes it feels like your only choice is either to crash or get a ticket! When you realize that highway patrol and meter maids have a quota and are actively looking for people who could be ticket-able, you begin to feel like the system is stacked against you.

It’s understandable if you feel that way. But we don’t want you to despair. We want to show you that it is still possible to get discounts on auto rates and on your car insurance quotes. Better yet, is the fact that some of the techniques are absolutely certain to keep your auto quote and premiums low, when discounts apply. Well, low-er, at least.

The good news is that there are lots of ways to help keep your car insurance rates from breaking the bank. Here, we will discuss only the top five. That isn’t because the other methods won’t help. It’s because the top five car insurance-saving methods are the best, will save you the most, and will work the fastest. Most importantly, the tips we are going to share will continue to work over time. That means they might cost you an initial investment, but they will pay off for years and years of cheaper car insurance quotes and premiums. Some will even apply retroactively to the date you completed the hack!

NY Auto Insurance Tips at a Glance

  • Compare quotes
  • Be violation free
  • Avoid property damage
  • Raise your deductible
  • Consider comprehensive coverage
  • Use the best components, like anti lock brakes

So before we get to our five NY car insurance hacks, we want to paint a full and honest picture of what you have to look out for out there on the road.

Your Comprehensive Guide to NY Car Insurance Discounts

The Top 5 Auto Insurance Hacks

After all of this hubbub about the inevitability of getting points on your license as a driver in New York, you should be pleased to learn that there are things you can do to take some of the pain out of being a legally insured NY driver. As stated earlier, we are listing five here. These are the best investments in time, energy, and cash that we have found. They will last. They will save you money month after month on your coverage premiums over the course of your career as a motorist. That’s about as much as you could possibly ask for on this issue.

There are still more things you can do, which we will mention briefly after the top five list. But for best results, we strongly recommend doing the top five first.

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5. Drive Safely

The greatest hazard involved with driving is the thrill of power that being behind the wheel provides. Young people are especially susceptible to this, and young males are doubly susceptible. Sadly, the only cure for this problem is time and experience. This explains in a nutshell why youth, especially male youth, is the greatest factor contributing to high insurance rates.

Unfortunately, there is only one way to deal with this and it is to build a demonstrable habit of safe driving. Understand that driving is no longer a ticket to adventure. It is a portal to grave and persistent danger.

The only way to achieve cheap car insurance rates as a young man is to survive your early twenties with a clean driver’s record. Keep in mind, even if you get into an accident that is not your fault, insurance companies run on statistics, not facts. That means they are likely to treat you as if all collisions are your fault.

For this reason, the only cure is persistent and obsessive careful, slow, and defensive driving. Always assume the other drivers will do the wrong thing. Always assume someone is going to barrel through the intersection. Don’t just drive for safety, drive for the sake of keeping some of your hard-earned money!

4. Look for Deals & Discounts

We mentioned a few of the ways you can save a heck of a lot of money on car insurance like Accident Forgiveness, Gap Insurance, Rental Reimbursement Insurance, and Roadside Assistance Coverage. These are great places to start, and they can save you a lot of money.

But you should be on the lookout for deals on a consistent basis. Check with your car insurance company’s website at least once a month for special deals that you might qualify for. These days, loyalty rewards and promotional deals are important ways businesses of all kinds promote themselves. But these are for promotional purposes. That means the value they get out of them is in being able to advertise them, not in extending them to you unprompted.

Therefore, look for, ask for, and apply for special discounts and loyalty benefits wherever you can find them. What’s more, if your insurer doesn’t offer as many discounts and benefits as another company, let them know that it could motivate you to switch.

One piece of expert advice we have learned to trust is that the best way to go for young drivers is usually to bundle car insurance packages. This is especially true for young drivers using their parent’s policies.

3. Consider Alternative Auto Insurance

It may interest you to learn that traditional car insurance is not the only option available. Another option worth considering is “Pay Per Mile” Insurance. With PPM, you pay rates that are based on the amount of driving you do. So if you are only going to the grocery store on the weekends or just taking short trips to and from work you won’t pay the same as people who drive for hours each day. Doesn’t that just make good sense?

Another option is Usage Based Insurance Coverage. With UBI, you will make use of a device or an app that tracks your driving behavior. The information is analyzed and fed into an algorithm that develops a fair rate based on your behavior. If you have ever taken a long personality test, then that’s a clue to how it works.

The system will watch you over time to study your driving habits. If you are a compulsive driver, that is likely to show across the range of data even if you attempt to skew the results in your favor. This is very similar to how long-form personality tests work. Actions that betray the bulk of the data and establish a pattern will carry more weight than persistent safe driving.

So, UBI may only be advisable if you are confident that your temperament is commensurate with lower rates. If you’re a hot head behind the wheel, you’re probably better off looking to PPM or traditional car insurance coverage.

Other forms of cheap car insurance include;

Surety Bonds: Offered in certain states through a surety company
State Deposited Funds: Also allowed only in certain states, SDFs show that the insured has deposited the minimum allowable amount to meet the legal requirement
Certificates of Self-Insurance: Usually only available to drivers who own a pool of vehicles, 25 or more in some cases

2. Seek Legal Representation

For much of the information in this article we have leaned heavily on the expertise of traffic law attorney, Arthur Pressman. Because getting points on your driving record is all but an inevitability in New York, it stands to reason that legal representation is sometimes a necessity. If and when it is the case that you are being punished for something that is not your fault or that could not have been avoided, a New York traffic law attorney can be your best bet.

These professionals can often reduce the amount you will pay on a traffic ticket. They can help you avoid having to attend driving school, which will save you valuable time and money. Finally, when an attorney successfully negotiates a reduction in charges or penalties, the result will often be a reduction in the increases to your car insurance rates.

It’s not a perfect solution, especially if you’re a good driver with poor luck. But it is definitely better than nothing, and the money you save over time will be well worth the expense.

1. Defensive Driver Education

To round out our top five list is a very close second to consistent safe driving, we have Defensive Driver Education, (DDE). There are a number of benefits to this strategy, but the first and most important is that it shows good faith. It demonstrates in concrete terms that you are serious and committed to being an asset to the roadways and not a liability.

Reduce Points and Fines

When you get tickets or fines, oftentimes a judge will reduce the penalties if you take a DDE class. It’s even better if you extend the offer to take such a class yourself instead of waiting to be ordered to or having it suggested to you.

Learn Valuable Driving Techniques

Remember that there is such a thing as a professional driver and that the average motorist is anything but. This means that we all have a lot to learn, and being a better driver is the best way to successfully practice safe driving. A DDE class is an excellent place to pick up valuable skills.

Review the Laws Governing Our Roadways

The laws of the road are many and constantly change. So it’s never a bad idea to learn them afresh and be reminded of things you already know. Also, if there are newer laws you are not aware of, you will be expected to obey them.

Actually Be a Better Driver

Most people want to drive safely even if they don’t have the temperament or the habits to show it. After all, no one wants to crash and get hurt. So why are we having all these accidents? It’s because people lack focus and skill. A good DDE class will help you develop both so that you can become more than just a well-meaning driver, but a truly skilled driver.

Get Better Auto Insurance Rates

While getting better insurance rates directly is not the main benefit of this strategy, when you choose a driving school like MyImprov, you can get a 10% car insurance discount with certain cooperating insurance providers. So, the first thing you need to do is make sure that you are working with an insurer that collaborates with myImprov.

Aside from that, there is no guarantee that your car insurance company will reduce your rates as a direct result of driver education, but it can definitely give you extra negotiating points before you sign up for a coverage package.

Honorable Mention

While these methods can’t compete with our top five, they can be a valuable part of your overall safe-driving/cheaper-insurance strategy.

Raise your deductibles

In most cases, you can lower your premium by agreeing to pay higher deductibles. You pay premiums every month, but deductibles are only paid when you file a claim.

Lower coverage for older vehicles

Older vehicles with a lot of miles on them are worth less than newer ones. Therefore it makes sense to pay less for them. Reduce the coverage on them accordingly, or just pay liability.

Alternative transport

We talked about ways to save money on car insurance if you drive less. One way to make that practical is to use public transport, ride bikes, walk, and ride-share. It might not be glamorous, but it’s a sure way to save money. Compare this to traditional travel for price, and the choice is clear.

New York Auto Insurance Providers at a Glance


  • Average rate for a full coverage policy in New York is around $1,600 per year
  • Coverage options include liability, collision, comprehensive, and more
  • Discounts for safe driving, good students, and safety features in your car
  • A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau

State Farm

  • Average rate for a full coverage policy in New York is around $1,800 per year
  • Coverage options include liability, collision, comprehensive, rental car coverage, and emergency roadside assistance
  • Discounts for good driving habits, completing a defensive driving course, and bundling your policies
  • A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau


  • Average rate for a full coverage policy in New York is around $2,000 per year
  • Coverage options include liability, collision, comprehensive, personal injury protection, and more
  • Discounts for safe driving, multiple policies, and being a good student
  • A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau


  • Average rate for a full coverage policy in New York is around $1,900 per year
  • Coverage options include liability, collision, comprehensive, and custom parts and equipment coverage
  • Discounts for safe driving, bundling policies, and safety features in your car
  • A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau


  • Average rate for a full coverage policy in New York is around $2,100 per year
  • Coverage options include liability, collision, comprehensive, new car replacement, and accident forgiveness
  • Discounts for safe driving, completing a driver training course, and having multiple policies with them
  • A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau

If you’re looking for the best insurance companies in New York, you can’t go wrong with GEICO, State Farm, Allstate, Progressive, and Travelers. While each company offers slightly different rates and coverage options, they all have a solid reputation and offer discounts that can help you save money on your premiums. Remember to compare quotes from multiple companies to ensure you’re getting the best deal for your specific situation. Also remember that in the great State of New York all of the above companies are mandated to give you that sweet 10% discount on your insurance for completing a state-approved defensive driving course, good from the day you complete it!

Types of NY Traffic Violations

Every state has laws in common and penalties that lead to increases in the amount you’ll pay for premium rates if you are convicted. The amount each type of violation will cost you depends on the severity of the violation, and you can be sure that the state of New York has got all of the potential violations and their attending penalties all figured out. Compare these to your expectations and see if you’ve been tempting fate.


Exceeding the speed limit is against the law everywhere, including in New York. The severity of the offense depends on how much over the speed limit you were going when you were clocked by an officer. It also depends on where you were speeding, whether or not pedestrians were nearby, and what kinds of other behaviors you may have been exhibiting at the time.

For example, if you were speeding near a school while also swerving, that could be child endangerment, reckless driving, and speeding all bundled into one ticket. Speeding will add points to your driving record and affect your car insurance quotes and premiums.

Overdue parking meter

We all know that finding a good parking spot in New York is tough, especially in the city. In an effort to keep the parking situation fair, we have parking meters which are meant to limit the amount of time you can occupy a metered spot. Of course, these measures wouldn’t be much good if people could not be penalized for exceeding the time paid for at the meter. For this reason, exceeding your time at the meter will cost you money, and add to the points on your license.

Failing to use a turn signal

The first and most important penalty for not signaling a turn is being an inconsiderate driver. If there is anyone around who could be affected by your maneuvers, it is best to use those turn signals well in advance of the turn. Of course, the best way to handle turn signaling is to do it whether or not you see anyone because there may always be someone around you who didn’t notice. Of course, if a cop sees your unsignaled turn, he may ticket you whether or not anyone else was around. This will also add points to your record, and raise your rates.

Note that these are just a few of the common traffic violations you could run afoul of in the State of New York. Each violation carries it’s own penalty, and each can have a real impact on your insurance premiums. Let’s break that down.


In a kinder, perhaps more just world, all the punishment we would need for the traffic violations discussed above would be the elevation of our car insurance quotes and rates. But, of course, there’s more. Every point you get on your license will raise your premiums by a given amount, depending on your driving history and the company you buy your auto insurance from. If you get up to 11 points on your license or if you have three speeding convictions in 18 months, you may have your license revoked.

The good news is, if you get your license revoked, you can cancel your car insurance.

Here’s how the penalties break down:

Speeding Point Penalty
1 to 10 mph 3
11 to 20 mph/td>

21 to 30 mph 6
31 to 40 mph 8
Over 40 mph 11

Point penalties for other moving violations:

Violation Point Penalty
Speeding 3
Reckless driving 5
Failure to stop for a school bus 5
Insufficient brakes 4
Tailgating 4
Passing, changing lanes, driving left of center, in the wrong direction 3
Failing to obey a traffic signal, stop sign, or yield sign 3
Violating a railroad crossing 3
Failing to yield the right-of-way 3
Passenger safety violations, seat belt, child safety violations 3
Hit and run 3
Other moving violations 2

*These tables were compiled by the New York traffic law attorney, Arthur Pressman. He and other lawyers working in this specialty make a killing, especially in the city, because it is almost impossible to drive in New York and not run into trouble once in a while.

It would be pretty tough to come up with an exact breakdown of how many points you can get for any possible situation. Let it be sufficient to say that the more wrong things you do and the harder you do them in a given incident, the higher your score, and like golf, the higher your score the worse it is. Score an 11 and you win the game, on opposite day.

air filters

Compare Violations to Find Out How They Affect New York Auto Insurance Rates

Most people hope to never have to file a car insurance claim. Even if you manage to get all of your damage paid for, the trauma and lost time can be tough to recover from. That is just part of the reason why it is so important to understand how points on your license will affect your car insurance premiums.

When you sign up for a car insurance policy, your carrier will examine your driving history and attempt to gauge the level of risk that you represent to their company. One way of looking at it is by considering the average insurance cost of two points on your license.

On average, two points will increase your premium by 10% of your total rate. Whatever the base cost of the insurance package you choose, every two points will increase it by 10%. It does not always work out exactly like that, of course. It depends on the risk factors described in the next section as well as a number of potentially subjective factors which may or may not be figured into the equation.

To put it simply, if your monthly car insurance premium is $200 a month, then one point will raise it by 5% to $210. This is a conservative estimate. It could be more or it could be less. But if you had just four points, that’s a 20% increase of around $40 a month.

If you had the maximum amount of points and managed not to have your license revoked, you would be paying $255 a month. That is probably the absolute minimum since your car insurance company would be saying two things. The first thing they would be saying is that your driving record is going to pot and it probably isn’t going to improve. The other thing they might be saying is that you are about to have your driving privilege suspended, in which case you might not be a customer soon and they may decide to try to milk you for all you are worth before you cancel your policy.

That sounds harsh, and it is. But the more violations you have, the more they can find excuses to raise your rates. Welcome to the real world, bucko.

So, the lesson here is, first, don’t get points on your license. Second, you need to take a close look at what the company will charge for each point you gain. You may be signing up with a company that offers fantastic basic rates. But as soon as you get your first moving violation, they start raising your premiums at an alarming rate.

So, before you sign on the dotted line and buy that policy, make sure you know how much they will tack onto your monthly rate for each point you get. On top of this, keep in mind the fact that if they perceive a “trend” in your accumulation of driving points, they may decide that they need to raise your rates preemptively. There is no law that says they can’t.

Understand that like a money lender, a car insurance company is in the business of taking on risk. Every driver they insure represents the possibility that they might have to pay out thousands of dollars. Their primary strategy is to avoid paying for the coverage for which you are buying the car insurance in the first place. Which, frankly, sounds pretty shady if you think about it. Therefore, their primary business process is to keep risk at a minimum and to charge for every bit of risk that they take on.

So, you want to be perceived as a good risk. Maintain and protect the perception that the auto insurance company is making a wise bet on your good driving habits. On top of that, know that never getting points as a driver in The Big Apple is more or less a fantasy. You are almost certain to get dinged at least once in your driving career. Therefore, it makes good sense to know exactly what your insurer will charge you for it when you do.

Other Hazards to Cheaper Car Insurance

Dangerous driving, poor driving, and illegal driving are all good ways to drive your car insurance premiums up. Unfortunately, car insurance professionals, in particular the people who influence policy, are statisticians. This means something about you that may have little to do with your behavior on the road and can negatively affect what you pay each month for NY car insurance.

Bad or Poor Credit

This is one that gets a lot of drivers steamed. Many people have no credit histories at all because they have always saved money, lived within their means, and paid all at once. Reasonable people might assume this would curate a good credit history, but the opposite is true, unfortunately.

When it comes to getting loans, no credit is worse than poor credit, and it also affects your car insurance rates. For car insurance companies, their experts argue that a person’s credit history shows how likely he or she may be to file a claim.

Basing car insurance on credit scores is banned in some states, but in New York, it is still legal and common.

Automobile Make and Model

Most people know that if you choose a sports car, you are going to pay more for car insurance each month. But sports cars aren’t the only type of vehicle insurance companies sneer at. Trucks tend to come with higher insurance rates because people use them on job sites, haul things, drive them off road, and the like. Sometimes vans can get hit with similar rate hikes.

Depending on who you buy car insurance from, the color of your car and other accessories could also raise your rates if your insurer gets the feeling you might get competitive out there on the road.

Your Zip Code

This one can be particularly vexing, especially for those who haven’t exactly found their dream home yet. But the fact remains that zip codes do affect car insurance premiums. If, for example, you live in a microclimate that gets a lot of hail, that could drive up car insurance rates, eliminating cheap prices. And you thought acts of God didn’t count! Likewise, if there is a high level of crime and automobile bang-ups, that too will make insurance more expensive.

Age and Experience

Of course, everyone knows that young men pay higher rates than young women, and people under a certain age will also pay more. It might be sexist, but these things are based on statistics and not our feelings. The good news is that if you can make it through the cut-off age without any accidents or violations, you might get pretty good rates.

Car Insurance Package Choices

Finally, the type of coverage you choose will also have a big effect on your rates. A lot of people will choose the least expensive packages and get nothing more than liability insurance. The downside of this is that when you do need to make a claim, chances are high that the money you need will not be forthcoming. So in the end, cheap car insurance packages could cost you more in the long run.

Adding Inexperienced Drivers to Your Policy

It is not at all uncommon for people to put their children on their existing coverage plans. In fact, if you’re the parent of a teen driver, it can be absolutely necessary, unless she’s a teen Instagram influencer with a million followers and can pay for it herself. The fact is that teens are the most likely to lose their lives behind the wheel. Inexperience and the exuberance of youth make a dangerous combination behind the wheel. On average, adding a teen will raise your premiums by 160% or $2,300 on average.

Missing Specific Coverages

If you don’t have certain car insurance coverages like medical coverage, are hospitalized after an accident, and lose time off work, you may never financially recover. People forget the way medical bills and missing time off work can spell disaster for your bank account. Your savings will drain very rapidly. Medical coverage is the only way to offset this possibility. If you cannot get to work without your car, it gets totaled and you don’t have enough coverage to replace it, it’s basically the same desperate situation. You can optimize your car insurance policy by getting the right additional coverage types.

Other ways to get discounts in the event of an accident include:

  • Accident Forgiveness
  • Gap Insurance
  • Rental Reimbursement Insurance
  • Roadside Assistance Coverage

The most important factor in saving money on your New York car insurance is understanding all of the options and resources at your disposal. From taking a defensive driving course for the guaranteed 10% 3-year discount, or bundling different types of insurance to save on each, being an active and engaged consumer is your best bet to staving off the high price of car insurance in New York.

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New York State Seatbelt Laws Mon, 19 Nov 2018 16:12:06 +0000   Most states have seatbelt laws, however, they will vary from state to state. If you live in or often drive in New York state it would behoove you to…

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Most states have seatbelt laws, however, they will vary from state to state. If you live in or often drive in New York state it would behoove you to become familiar with NYS seatbelt law.  Failure to obey the New York seatbelt law can result in tickets, accumulated points on license. After you have read through this post take a look at our post on the importance of seatbelt laws

NY Seat Belt Law Requirements

The law in New York State requires that all passengers in the front seat wear seat belts. In addition, children under the age of 16 are required to wear seat belts when they are in the front seat and the back seat. Children under the age of four are required to be secured in child safety seats while riding. All children must ride in child restraint systems until the age of eight.

Seat Belt Violation Penalties in NY

The penalty for a seat belt or child safety seat violation in NYS is a fine of up to $50. If the seat belt violation NYC involves a person under the age of 16, the driver may receive a fine of $100. Drivers may receive three driver violation points on their NY driving license if found guilty.  Excessive point accumulations on a NY driver’s license can result in significant fines as well as loss of license and an increase in auto insurance rates. You can mitigate the damage by enrolling in driving school.

Enroll in a New York Defensive Driving Course

The Point & Insurance Reduction Program, aka PIRP, in NYS was created to help refresh driving knowledge. By offering safety tips, teaching defensive driving techniques, and reviewing traffic laws this is easily accomplished. Those who complete a New York defensive driving course may be eligible for a four-point reduction on your NYS driving record. Attending defensive driving school offers a minimum 10% reduction in your automobile insurance premiums. This is for every year for three consecutive years. If you have an NYS seatbelt violation, taking an online defensive driving school class is definitely a smart choice.

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New York Hit and Run Laws , What it Means to Leave the Scene Fri, 19 Oct 2018 20:29:09 +0000 A hit and run is defined as involving or being a motor-vehicle driver who does not stop post involvement in an accident. People might flee the scene…

The post New York Hit and Run Laws , What it Means to Leave the Scene appeared first on MyImprov.

defensive driving online ny hit and run

A hit and run is defined as involving or being a motor-vehicle driver who does not stop post involvement in an accident. People might flee the scene of a car accident for different reasons. Some people run away because they just do not want to deal with the stress of the issue and they hope they won’t get caught. Other people are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, in a rush and do not care, or they may panic when they hit someone and just not know what to do. Some people will go to the police later to admit what they’ve done. Knowing the laws can help reduce panic and ensure that you do the right thing if you’re involved in a hit and run. These laws can also help you protect yourself if you’re being accused of leaving the scene of an accident.

New York is Clear on Their Hit and Run Laws

There are serious consequences if you leave the scene of an accident without giving the other driver your information. That’s because New York law states that anyone involved in an accident must stop their vehicle and trade information with the other driver. Failing to do that is counted as a hit and run even for very minor accidents, which means you could get a ticket that you must deal with. With the defensive driving online ticket dismissal course, you can work toward getting rid of that ticket and you don’t have to sit in a classroom. But it’s still better to avoid the ticket in the first place since fines and fees can also be high.

It’s Not Just About the Ticket

A ticket for a hit and run accident in NY can cost you up to $250, but that’s not all. There can be court costs and other fees along with that amount, and you can also be jailed for as much as 15 days. You’ll see three points on your driving record, and that could cause your vehicle insurance rates to rise dramatically. Your insurance company may even cancel you, and that will force you to find new insurance. If you have to go with a high-risk company, your rates are going to be much more than they were previously, and you’ll have a hard time getting those rates down for several years after the accident.

Be Mindful of What You Say About the Accident

Too often, people who have been involved in a hit and run may blurt out that they didn’t mean to, or something else that implies guilt. It’s very important that you don’t do that because it can affect whether you’re found guilty of the crime or whether you can get your ticket dismissed. Don’t admit any fault and understand what your defense can be. For example, if you truly didn’t realize you struck another vehicle you may not be charged. That can happen to someone backing out of a parking space, or parallel parking, when they just tap the bumper and there’s no damaged caused. But the law says you still must stop.

Take Care of the Issue Promptly

If you’ve been ticketed for a hit and run in New York, make sure you focus on a defensive driving online course for ticket dismissal. That can help keep points off your driver’s license and lower the chances that your insurance is going to rise or be canceled. It’s important to be careful behind the wheel but accidents do happen. If you’re involved in one, knowing the laws and taking the right steps can help you protect yourself.

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How Many Points to Suspend License in NY Fri, 19 Oct 2018 17:13:24 +0000 New York traffic laws are strict compared to many other States and Canadian provinces. If you find yourself in receipt of multiple moving violations in New York, and/or some adjoining…

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points suspend ny license

New York traffic laws are strict compared to many other States and Canadian provinces. If you find yourself in receipt of multiple moving violations in New York, and/or some adjoining territories as described below, you may want to check your driving record and how to sign up for a point reduction program which will also produce an auto insurance reduction. Also, if you are a beginning New York driver, or you are an experienced driver who is new to the area, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the point system for New York licenses. Learn to understand how points are accrued on your driving record and what steps you can take to decrease the impact of points on your license, and how repeated violations can lead to suspension or revocation of your driver license as well as receiving penalties from your insurance company.

NYS Point System

Most common traffic violations in New York lead to the addition of points to your driver license as well as the requirement to answer for your ticket by either paying a fine or appearing in court. It’s important to note that you don’t get points on your driving record until you admit guilt or are convicted of the offense. You must pay or not appearing can lead directly to the suspension of your license regardless of your points status. If you receive a ticket it’s always in your best interest to deal with it promptly and look into a point reduction program or your insurance company may raise your rates.

The table below details the points assigned when you are convicted of a traffic violation:

How many points to suspend license in NY

Speeding Points (MPH over posted limit)
1 to 10 3 points
11 to 20 4 points
21 to 30 6 points
31 to 40 8 points
Over 40 11 points
Reckless driving 5 points
Failed to stop for school bus 5 points
Followed too closely (tailgating) 4 points
Inadequate brakes (private car) 4 points
Inadequate Brakes (employer’s vehicle) 2 points
Failed to yield right-of-way 3 points
Disobeying traffic control signal, STOP sign or YIELD sign 3 points
Railroad crossing violation 5 points
Improper passing, changing lane unsafely 3 points
Driving left of center, in wrong direction 3 points
Leaving scene of property damage incident 3 points
Child safety restraint violation 3 points
Improper cell phone use 5 points
Use of a portable electronic device (“texting”) 5 points
Any other moving violation 2 points
source: NY DMV Tickets

Per the NY seat belt traffc law, a driver will receive 3 points if a passenger under 16 years old is not wearing his belt. In addition to points on your driving record, you may be liable for NYS speeding ticket fines as well as speeding tickets for NY points. A large percentage of points are assigned to those who are not watching the speed limit, will break the traffic law, plead guilty and receive a 3, 4, 6 or 8 point ticket.

New York driver’s license points are not assigned for any bicycle or pedestrian violations. You will also have to pay a driver responsibility assessment to the NY DMV when you accumulate 6 or more points within 18 months.

One interesting note: traffic violations in other States of the United States do not add points to your New York license or driving record, but violations in some parts of Canada do. The Canadian provinces of Quebec and Ontario have reciprocal agreements with New York State for speeding ticket points, so violations there will add the appropriate number of points on license NY, and vice versa for Canadian drivers from those provinces.

Points and License Suspension in New York State

If you get an 11 point total on your license in an 18 month period, your license is suspended. As described below, to get 11 points on your driving record in New York state is not the only situation that can lead to license suspension or revocation. However, repeated minor traffic violations will lead directly to a suspended license.

Of note, the point total is added to your license until you are convicted or are pleading guilty to the offense, but the date of the violation is used for calculation of your point total in a given 18 month window.

If your license is suspended, a notice will be sent to the address on file with the New York DMV. It will contain detailed instructions for how to proceed and information about point reduction. If you are unsure of your license status or whether or not you’ve collected points in the last 18 months, you can check at the portal on the NY DMV web site.

Point Reduction and Suspension Removal

If you get 11 points, or have accumulated points on your license and are near suspension within 18 months or your license has already been suspended, you can remove points through participation in a New York State approved Point and Insurance Reduction Program (PIRP). This defensive driving course is basically a non-behind-the-wheel driving school, and it can subtract 4 points from your license for purposes of a suspension and reduce your insurance rates by 10%. It’s important to note if you participate in PIRP, all points remain on your license, but four of those points from the last 18 month period will not be counted for purposes of a suspension. The details of this program can be found on the New York DMV website where you can receive a free consultation about the point system and point reduction process.

When Points Don’t Matter

The most severe consequence for a traffic violation is when the consequence is a felony and the points will stay on your driving record for 10 years (and there is no hope of point reduction). There are some offenses that lead directly to the immediate suspension or revocation of your driving license, outside collecting them in the last 18 months, and even if you have no points on your driving record. Offenses that carry this penalty include traffic violations such as driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, failing to answer or pay a traffic ticket, driving without insurance or being involved in an uninsured motorist accident, or being the driver in a motor vehicle crash that involved a fatality. You can also lose your license for non-traffic violations such as failure to pay child support or accruing excessive debt to the state of New York. If you suspect your license might be suspended or revoked, you can check your status and receive a driver responsibility assessment at the portal on the NYS DMV web site. You will also be able to check which online insurance reduction programs are state-approved.

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When Can Teens Drive Alone in NY? Wed, 17 Oct 2018 19:25:07 +0000 Driving alone in a car is a significant milestone in a teen’s life. It represents a major increase in responsibility and accountability. In New York State, teens must complete a…

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teens defensive driving course
Driving alone in a car is a significant milestone in a teen’s life. It represents a major increase in responsibility and accountability. In New York State, teens must complete a process with several distinct milestones before being declared fully capable of operating a motor vehicle unsupervised. This process is fairly rigorous compared to that of most states, but it is simple to follow. Most teens complete it with little or no difficulty, granted they take the time to learn the required material.

It is always possible things might go wrong especially early in a teen’s driving career. Even the most responsible and level-headed teens can make mistakes. In New York, the penalties for moving violations for drivers under 18 are severe, particularly those involving excessive speeding or cell phone use while driving. If this has already happened, a state-approved defensive driving course can significantly mitigate the impact of teen driving mistakes and mishaps.
teens defensive driving course

New York Learner Permit                                       

The ultimate goal for teens who want to earn the right to drive unsupervised is a drivers’ license, and the first step toward that goal is to acquire a New York State Learner Permit. Learner permits allow new drivers to operate a vehicle under the supervision of another driver who is over the age of 21 and licensed for the type of vehicle being operated. This means a new motorcycle driver must be supervised by a licensed motorcycle driver. New drivers cannot drive even if properly supervised in the following locations:

  • Within a park in New York City
  • On any bridge or tunnel under the jurisdiction of the Tri-borough Bridge and Tunnel Authority
  • On the Cross County, Hutchinson River, Saw Mill River, or Taconic State parkways in Westchester County
  • In a DMV road test area

More information on the New York Learner Permit can be found on the NY DMV website.
teens defensive driving course

Acquiring a Junior Drivers License or Senior Drivers License

Once a teen acquires a Learners Permit, the process to gain a full drivers’ license in New York depends primarily on the age of the driver. Under no circumstances can a driver under the age of 16 get a license. Drivers 16-17 years old can apply for a Junior Drivers’ License (Class DJ), which is like a Learners Permit but may allow the young driver to operate a vehicle unsupervised in some parts of New York under the Graduated License Law (described below).

The process for acquiring a Junior Drivers License is similar to that of acquiring a Senior License.  New drivers must take a pre-licensing class and pass both a written test and a road test at a New York DMV office. It’s not strictly necessary but highly recommended that a new driver make an appointment for both tests and make use of the appropriate area of the NY DMV Website for specifics on classes certified by the NY DMV in preparation for the tests. However, it’s universally acknowledged that the best preparation for both the test and safe unaccompanied driving by a teen is significant amounts of practice under the supervision of a mature, capable, responsible driver.

A driver who is 17 years old and has a Junior License for 6 months or more is eligible for a Senior License. Once a new driver turns 18, they are automatically eligible for a Senior License as long as all other requirements are met.

The Graduated License Law and Additional Restrictions for NY Drivers Under 18

The Graduated License Law imposes additional restrictions on young drivers in New York. This law divides the State into three zones (New York City, Upstate New York, and Long Island), each with their own restrictions for Learners Permit and Junior License holders. These restrictions vary by time of day; for example, in Upstate New York, a Junior License holder can drive unsupervised from 5AM to 9PM, and from 9PM to 5AM as long as the driver is traveling straight from home to a job or school class. In New York City, a driver with the same license is prohibited from driving regardless of the circumstances. It’s very important for Learners Permit and Junior License holders to understand the exact laws in effect based on their situation. Consult the Graduated License Law web page.

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NY Junior License vs. NY Senior License Thu, 11 Oct 2018 23:20:50 +0000 Once your teen turns 16 and has their driving learner’s permit, it’s only a matter of time before they aim for their driver’s license. But before you get nervous about…

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Defensive driving NY Jr License vs. Sr.
Once your teen turns 16 and has their driving learner’s permit, it’s only a matter of time before they aim for their driver’s license. But before you get nervous about letting them loose on the open road, know that for young drivers, the privilege isn’t fully awarded until New York 16-18-year-olds have proven themselves worthy and capable. They do this by following New York state’s gradual-step licensing process, which starts with a junior license and ends with a senior license – the Graduated License Law.

While the Graduated License Law places restrictions on a driver with a junior license, it also incentivizes young drivers. They can take an additional defensive driving course NY to get a reduced auto-insurance rate.

But what is the difference between driving with a junior license and a senior license?

Distinct Driving Aims

A young driver with a NY junior license has studied the New York manual and driven mostly unsupervised with some restrictions to gain experience – or training – behind the wheel. With a senior license, a teen driver has proven their experience.

Because a junior license is a ticket to train, young drivers must stay within the state of New York when behind the wheel (or in a state with applicable permit regulations). But with a senior license, NY drivers can drive in any state of the country.

New Drivers Have A Probationary Period

Young drivers earning a junior license have a 6-month probationary period. That means, within that timeframe, conviction of any of the following traffic violations results in an automatic 60-day suspension of their license, which is followed by a secondary 6-month probationary period:

  • Speeding
  • Tailgating
  • Racing on public roads
  • Driving recklessly
  • Distracted driving (any distraction — including conversing with passengers, eating, and adjusting radio)
  • Driving while using any portable electronic device, including cellphone, GPS navigation, and tablet
  • Any 2 traffic violations

When the suspension ends, a second 6-month probation period begins. Traffic violation committed within this timeframe results a revocation of the junior license of at least 6 months. The end of that period begins yet another 6-month probationary period.

Drivers earning a senior license have no initial probationary period.

Age Rules

If a young driver decides to hold off until they’re a little older to get behind the wheel, their age determines which license they begin with. If they’re 18 or older and pass both the written and driving exams, then senior license it is. But ages 16 up to their 18th birthday must start with the junior license

Training and understanding the key fundamental principles, as well as the rules, of a discipline are the keys to learning and mastering it. Today’s teenagers are well versed in that concept, thanks to their activities and interests, which can range from playing la cross to performing on the stage. Driving is no different. That’s why, thanks to the Graduated License Law that includes a defensive driving course NY, auto collisions involving teenaged drivers have dropped to almost half of 51,000 that were reported in 2009.

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Tips for Driving in New York Thu, 11 Oct 2018 22:40:42 +0000 Driving in New York can be roughly divided into two vastly different experiences: driving in New York City and driving in the rest of the state. Driving in New York…

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Driving in New York can be roughly divided into two vastly different experiences: driving in New York City and driving in the rest of the state. Driving in New York outside the city is the same as driving anywhere else, except in the winter. Then, it’s like driving anywhere else on top of a sheet of slush or ice.

How to Be Extra Careful

Slippery, snowy, and other conditions unique to the winter months greatly increase the chances of finding yourself in a fender bender or worse. A defensive driving course will decrease your insurance premium in New York even if you’re never in an accident and will pay dividends if you are unlucky enough to trade paint with another car.

As for the Big Apple, there’s one tip that applies to both long-time New Yorkers and tourists alike regarding driving in the city: don’t do it. Seemingly every block in the city presents a virtual defensive driving course’s worth of challenges: speeding bikes, annoying scooters, skateboarders for some reason, pedestrians in crosswalks, pedestrians everywhere else, and endless streams of cars and trucks of every type from semis to the ubiquitous yellow cabs that are still holding the line in the age of Uber; all of them are everywhere at the same time. So, if possible, leave your car outside the city and take a train or ferry into the thick of it; you can take a subway, cab, or Uber anywhere you might want to go.

For Those Who Can’t Give Up Driving

If you insist on driving in the city, there are several tips to remember, some of which are unique to NYC.

1. Right Turns. First, unlike almost everywhere else in the United States, you can’t turn right on red in the city unless there’s an arrow or sign indicating otherwise. It’s also very common for left turns to be prohibited at many intersections for much of the day as indicated by clear signage. If you’re not familiar with the city, don’t let the fact that the city’s a giant, easy to follow grid fool you; know your route before you start driving because you won’t have time to check you phone on the way.

2. Parking. As you can imagine, parking can be a problem. If you find a coveted street spot within a half mile of your destination, jump on it unless you see an entire block with no cars parked on it. That doesn’t just happen; if there are no cars parked on a whole block, there is a reason like street cleaning that will get your car towed quickly.

3. Crosswalks. Your car needs to be completely outside all crosswalks and at least 15 feet from every fire hydrant. Parking tickets are a major source of revenue for the city and parking enforcement is out in force 24/7; expect to pick up a ticket at 2AM the same as you would for parking illegally in the middle of the day. If your car gets towed, it’s entirely possible it will end up in a different borough at a garage that is open for pickups 4 hours a day and charges $100 a day for ‘storage.’

4. GARAGE. Given all of that, it’s probably wise to head straight for a paid lot or garage. Don’t be fooled by lots with suspiciously low rates. It’s not uncommon for a parking lot or garage to have a sign that says “$5 all day” in large letters with “…for every half hour” in tiny letters underneath.

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How can I remove DMV points from NY driving record? Thu, 04 Oct 2018 16:43:18 +0000 If you have points on your New York driving record, you may have been referred to taking a Point and Insurance Reduction Program. The…

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If you have points on your New York driving record, you may have been referred to taking a Point and Insurance Reduction Program. The Point & Insurance Reduction Program (PIRP) is approved by the Department of Motor Vehicles. It is available through private companies or corporations. Often the New York DMV will refer to these private companies as course sponsors. Defensive driving courses to reduce insurance premiums and points are accessible in both online and classroom.

What is the difference between points on license & violations?

Sometimes, people who complete this program are still confused about what happens to their NY DMV driving record. One of the main misunderstandings that people have is that they confuse points with actual violations. Below is a useful chart to show the differences.

Points Violations
You must be convicted of the traffic violation before points are added to your driving record Completing a Point and Insurance Reduction (PIRP) course does not remove a violation
Your point total is calculated based on the date of the violation, not the date of the conviction Most violations, convictions and points will continue to show on your driving record for up to 4 years
The points for violations that all occurred within the last 18 months are added to calculate your point total Violations and convictions involving drugs or alcohol will remain on your driving record for ten years.
You can only use a Point & Insurance Reduction Program course to reduce up to 4 points once in an 18-month period

As you can see, points may be reduced via taking the PIRP course while the actual violation stays on your record.

Another misunderstanding is that insurance companies have their own point system. The New York DMV point system and your insurance company’s “point” systems are separate and not related. Point reduction on your New York driving record does not affect points assigned by your insurance company for violations and accidents.

People may also want to take the PIRP course to reduce exactly 4 points. If you get 11 points in an 18-month period, your driver license may be suspended. Per the New York DMV, point reduction means the number of points on your driving record used to calculate the number of total points received within 18 months will be reduced by 4 points, at most, and may help you avoid a suspension. This means that completing the course may help avoid a suspension but does not guarantee that your license will not be suspended. This is due to the point system is not being the only way to lose your license.

How many points on license is each traffic violation?

Speeding (MPH over posted limit)
1 to 10 3
11 to 20 4
21 to 30 6
31 to 40 8
Over 40 11
Reckless Driving 5
Failed to stop for school bus 5
Followed too closely (tailgating) 4
Inadequate brakes (private car) 4
Inadequate brakes (employer’s vehicle) 2
Failed to yield right-of-way 3
Disobeying traffic control signal, STOP sign or YIELD sign 3
Railroad crossing violation 5
Improper passing, changing lane unsafely 3
Driving left of center, in wrong direction 3
Leaving scene of property damage incident 3
Child safety restraint violation 3
Improper cell phone use 5
Use of portable electronic device (“texting”) 5
Any other moving violation 2

To find out how many points are on your record and if you are at risk of license suspension, it is best to review your Abstract. Retrieving your Abstract, better known as your New York Driving Record, is simple despite what people think. You can request a copy from the New York DMV website, via mail, and of course your local DMV office. Click Here to view a sample Abstract.

Some frustrations that people may encounter after completing the PIRP course is that points are not reduced or the course completion does not reflect on the Abstract. Every course sponsor has up to 10 weeks from your course completion date to report your certificate to the New York DMV. In simple math, that is 2 and a half months. After the PIRP school has reported your completion, the New York DMV system will handle reducing eligible points from your driving record. The course completion will display under Activity section of your Abstract along with the period that the completion is valid for.

  • Uncover your Texas driving history – All you need to know about driving records in Texas at Texas Driving Records!

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Most Common Traffic Laws Violated in New York Fri, 28 Sep 2018 22:07:40 +0000 New York has a reputation for being rough around the edges. People in this state who have taken their NY defensive driving course aren’t afraid of speaking their minds and…

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traffic laws ny defensive driving course
New York has a reputation for being rough around the edges. People in this state who have taken their NY defensive driving course aren’t afraid of speaking their minds and doing what they want. With this rambunctious demeanor comes a bit of recklessness.

More specifically, reckless driving.

Driving in the Empire State, you’ll notice your fair share of traffic violators who have poor road communication skills or are obliviousness to road signs. Violating the traffic laws around New York may be common, but one should be commonsensical if they do not want to see an increase in their auto insurance. Here are the most common laws violated to be aware of:


Speeding is the most common violation New Yorkers make while behind the wheel. Whether in the city or the greater countryside, speeding is a temptation that has gotten the best of many of us. Police officers find themselves issuing tickets for drivers who are traveling over the speed limit more often than any other violation. Depending on where the driver is caught speeding, he or she can face fines upwards to $500 or more. How else do you think they coined the term “New York minute?”

Cell Phone Usage and Portable Devices

Despite the new laws, people have been using their cell phones or a similar portable device while zooming 65 MPH down NY roads. Texting while driving, reading the latest New York Times, or watching Seinfeld on their tablet are all things New Yorkers are getting caught doing. Distracted driving is dangerous, accidents occur when you least expect it.

Disobeying Traffic Lights or Signs

Just because traffic lights and signs are not verbally telling a New Yorker what they can or can’t do doesn’t mean you should shrug them off. If there’s one thing New York drivers are guilty of, it’s the ignoring the signs. They are known to blow through a red light or do a rolling stop at a stop sign. Taking the extra moment to obey traffic lights and signs can save the driver a hefty lump sum of money and avoid having to listen to the sound of a ticket being handed to them.

Reckless Driving

Road rage seems to be routine in the busier cities. A pedestrian can strut out in front of your car or a cyclist can zip between lanes. No matter the case, you would swear they’re doing it just to set you off. To help alleviate the frustrations of driving in busy cities, people might wail on their horns. When that doesn’t cut it, they resort to reckless driving. Controlling their anger isn’t something New Yorkers want to do.

Driving with a Revoked or Suspended License

Speaking of reckless driving, depending on the circumstance, you can get your license revoked or suspended. However, that doesn’t stop some people from saddling back up behind the wheel. In New York, one of the most common violations people get busted for is driving with a revoked or suspended license. When people are caught with a suspended or revoked license, the punishment becomes a worse than just a ticket payment. When you don’t have a license, don’t drive.

Failure to Turn

New York is a big state. They’re tons of people on the roads at any given point. That’s why signaling when you’re making a turn is detrimental to healthy road communication. What’s worse, is when a driver gets busted for failing to use their turn signal, they can face fines upwards to $80. That’s a lot of money for not taking 1-second to let everyone around you know you’re making a right turn.

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How to Get Your TLC License in NYC Sat, 08 Sep 2018 23:59:24 +0000 When you think of New York City, one of the first things that come to mind is their big yellow taxi cabs. In recent years, ridesharing services, such as Uber…

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When you think of New York City, one of the first things that come to mind is their big yellow taxi cabs. In recent years, ridesharing services, such as Uber and Lyft, have been taking their place and have slowly become a norm in the city that never sleeps. These services are typically cheaper than taking a regular yellow taxi cab and they are convenient, as all you need to do is press a few buttons to request a ride.

These ridesharing services aren’t just great for passengers, though. There are many benefits to becoming a driver. You can use your own vehicle, you can make your own schedule, there are surge/prime time bonuses, and drivers get paid weekly. If you have ever considered driving for one of these ridesharing companies, you should know that New York City has taken measures to ensure that drivers are qualified and that passengers will be safe during their transport. With that being said, all ridesharing drivers are required to obtain a Taxi and Limousine Commission, TLC license in NYC New York City.

Start Your Online TLC Course Now

For those that are not familiar with the process of obtaining your TLC driver’s license, here is what you will need to do to get your license. Please note that all steps must be completed within 90 days of starting the application process.

*Firstly, you must be at least 19 years old to receive your NYC TLC driver’s license. If you are younger than 19, your application will be immediately declined.

*Step 1: Upgrade your License. You must upgrade your existing NYC license to a Class E license. This is necessary for driving taxis (even your own personal car for taxi purposes) in New York. This may cost around $21 to $28, depending on how old your driver’s license is and your age. While at the DMV, if your driver’s license is going to expire soon, you should go through the process of license renewal.

*Step 2: Take a Defensive Driving Course. You must have taken a Defensive Driving Course within the last 18 months to keep your license in good standing. New York’s Defensive Driving Course is 6 hours long, includes information about traffic laws and safe driving, and is available at in-person classrooms or online for your convenience by wonderful companies, such as Improv Traffic School. The course price may vary but is usually around $30 to $40. Once you complete the course, your completion will be reported to the DMV and you will receive an official certificate of completion in the mail within 5-7 business days, which you will need to submit with your TLC application.

*Step 3: Get a Medical Exam. TLC requires that all drivers are “fit to operate a vehicle safely.” You will need to visit your primary healthcare provider and have them perform a physical exam. They will need to fill out and stamp the TLC Medical Exam report, which is available to download and print from the TLC website.

Now once previous steps have been completed:

*Step 4: Submit Initial TLC Application. Go to, scroll down to “LARS” and click “Apply for license.” Then you should select the license that you would like to receive, the TLC Driver’s License. While there, make sure to watch the 10 minute video on sex trafficking, as this is a required part of your application. Please note that there is a $252 application fee and it is non-refundable, even if your application is denied.

*Step 5: Take a Wheelchair Class and 24-Hour Taxi School Course. All TLC license applicants are required to complete a 24-hour Taxi School course and pass the exam. Some taxi schools that you can use include: Master Cabbie, Hanac NYC Taxi Academy, LaGuardia Taxi Institute, Abba Training School, and Knowledge Seekers, Inc. The price of the course is $175 and the exam fee is $75. In addition, in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), TLC drivers are required to pass a Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle training class. It is about 3 hours long and upon completion, you will receive a wallet-sized certificate of completion. The price of the class is $75. It is best to complete these classes as soon as possible to prevent any delay in receiving your TLC license.

*Step 6: Submit your Documents/Paperwork to TLC. TLC does not accept appointments to hand in documents, but you can submit all required documents to the email address

*Step 7: Take a Drug Test. Call 1-800-923-2624 to make an appointment for your drug test. You can take your drug test at any LabCorp office, but it is recommended that you take your test at the location that is in the same building as the TLC office. All you have to do is show up, provide your license, pay the $26 fee, and pee in the cup. If you do not hear from TLC after the test, then you passed and you do not have anything to worry about. If you test positive for any drugs, TLC will mail you a letter letting you know that your application has been denied.

*Step 8: Get your Fingerprint Taken. Go to to schedule your fingerprint appointment and have your photo and fingerprint taken. The price for the fingerprinting fee is $75.

*Step 9: Wait for License in the Mail. As long as the prior steps were all completed, you have no outstanding fines to the government, and your application was not denied at any point along the way, your TLC driver’s license will be issued and you will receive it in the mail within a few weeks of passing your Taxi School Course final exam. You can look up the status of your application online at any time by going to

*Step 10: Get out there and drive!!!

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