Driving is a privilege and requires responsibility. One of the key components of responsible driving is following traffic rules and regulations. However, sometimes even the most cautious driver can make mistakes, such as running a red light. In this post, we’ll explore how a red light ticket can affect your auto insurance and what you can do to minimize its impact on your insurance premiums and the standing of your license.

What is a Red Light Ticket?

A red light ticket is a type of traffic violation that occurs when a driver fails to stop at a red light or runs a red light. This type of ticket is considered a moving violation and can result in a fine and points on your driver’s license.

How Does a Red Light Ticket Affect Your Auto Insurance?

Auto insurance companies use a variety of factors to determine your insurance rates, including your driving record. A red light ticket is considered a moving violation and can have a negative impact on your driving record, which can result in an increase in your auto insurance rates.

The Impact on Your Driving Record

When you receive a red light ticket, the violation is recorded on your driving record. The length of time that the violation stays on your record varies from state to state, but it can typically stay on your record for three years or more.

The Impact on Your Insurance Rates

Auto insurance companies use your driving record as a factor in determining your insurance rates. A red light ticket can result in an increase in your insurance rates, especially if you have multiple violations on your record.

Red Light Ticket Penalties and Insurance Rate Increases

State Average Cost of Red Light Ticket Average Increase in Auto Insurance Premium
Alabama $110 $150 to $300 per year
Alaska $150 $150 to $300 per year
Arizona $165 $150 to $300 per year
Arkansas $100 $150 to $300 per year
California $500 $150 to $300 per year
Colorado $40 to $100 $150 to $300 per year
Connecticut $100 to $450 $150 to $300 per year
Delaware $100 to $230 $150 to $300 per year
District of Columbia $75 to $150 $150 to $300 per year
Florida $70 to $150 $150 to $300 per year
Georgia $500 $150 to $300 per year
Hawaii $75 to $100 $150 to $300 per year
Idaho $110 $150 to $300 per year
Illinois $100 to $250 $150 to $300 per year
Indiana $75 to $150 $150 to $300 per year
Iowa $100 $150 to $300 per year
Kansas $100 $150 to $300 per year
Kentucky $100 to $200/td>

$150 to $300 per year
Louisiana $110 to $175 $150 to $300 per year
Maine $100 $150 to $300 per year
Maryland $75 to $250 $150 to $300 per year
Massachusetts $100 to $200 $150 to $300 per year
Michigan $100 to $150 $150 to $300 per year
Minnesota $100 to $300 $150 to $300 per year
Mississippi $100 to $200 $150 to $300 per year
Missouri/strong> $100 $150 to $300 per year
Montana $100 $150 to $300 per year
Nebraska $100 $150 to $300 per year
Nevada $100 to $250/td>

$150 to $300 per year
New Hampshire $100 to $150 $150 to $300 per year
New Jersey $85 to $450 $150 to $300 per year
New Mexico $100 to $200 $150 to $300 per year
New York $50 to $450 $150 to $300 per year
North Carolina $100 $150 to $300 per year
North Dakota $100 $150 to $300 per year
Ohio $100 to $150 $150 to $300 per year
Oklahoma $100 to $150 $150 to $300 per year
Oregon $260 $150 to $300 per year
Pennsylvania $100 to $250 $150 to $300 per year
Rhode Island $50 to $200 $150 to $300 per year
South Carolina $150 $150 to $300 per year
South Dakota $100 $150 to $300 per year
Tennessee $50 to $150 $150 to $300 per year
Texas $75 to $250 $150 to $300 per year
Utah $100 to $200/td>

$150 to $300 per year
Vermont $100 to $250 $150 to $300 per year
Virginia $50 to $250 $150 to $300 per year
Washington $136 $150 to $300 per year
West Virginia $50 to $200 $150 to $300 per year
Wisconsin $40 to $300 $150 to $300 per year
Wyoming $100 | $150 $150 to $300 per year

*It’s important to note that the cost of a red light ticket and its impact on auto insurance premiums can vary greatly depending on the state and the circumstances surrounding the violation. In addition, insurance companies have the final say on how much a red light ticket will affect an individual’s auto insurance premium, so it’s always best to check with your specific insurance provider for the most accurate information.

How to Minimize the Impact of a Red Light Ticket on Your Auto Insurance

While a red light ticket can have a negative impact on your auto insurance, there are steps you can take to protect your license and prevent an increase in your insurance premiums.

Complete a Defensive Driving Course

Many states offer defensive driving courses that you can take to improve your driving skills and reduce the impact of a red light ticket on your insurance rates. In some cases, completing a defensive driving course can result in a reduction of the fine for the ticket and even remove points from your driving record.

Shop Around for Auto Insurance

Auto insurance rates can vary widely from one insurance company to another. By shopping around for auto insurance, you can find a company that offers a more favorable rate, even if you have a red light ticket on your record.

Consider a Usage-Based Insurance Program

Usage-based insurance programs, also known as pay-per-mile insurance, allow you to pay for insurance based on the amount you drive. This type of insurance program can be a good option for drivers with a red light ticket, as it can help to offset the increased insurance rates that result from the violation.

Consider a higher deductible

Your deductible is the amount of money you have to pay out of pocket before your insurance kicks in. By raising your deductible, you can lower your monthly insurance premiums. Just be sure to choose a deductible you can afford to pay in the event of an accident.

Bundle your policies

Many insurance companies offer discounts to customers who have multiple policies with them. If you have more than one car, or if you also need homeowners or renters insurance, consider bundling your policies for a discount.

Maintain a good driving record

Your driving record can have a big impact on your auto insurance rates. If you have a history of accidents or traffic violations, your insurance company may consider you a higher risk driver and charge you more for coverage. To avoid this, it’s important to maintain a good driving record. This means driving safely, obeying traffic laws, and avoiding accidents.


Receiving a red light ticket can have a negative impact on your auto insurance, but there are steps you can take to minimize its impact. By completing a defensive driving course, shopping around for auto insurance, and considering a usage-based insurance program, you can reduce the impact of a red light ticket on your auto insurance. As always, remember to drive responsibly and follow traffic rules and regulations to avoid receiving a red light ticket in the first place.